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chrispyrohaunter 12-28-2006 02:46 PM

Getting rid of XP
I have an hp and I want to completeley remove xp and put 98 on it. I cant seem to erase all of it from the hard drive how do I accomplish this? Also, I was wondering where do I find a version of ms dos and how do I install it and get win 98 up and running I know this is a long question but it would be very helpful to get it answered.

William_Wilson 12-28-2006 09:43 PM

to get all of xp off, simply place it's cd into the drive and when the option to format the drive appears, do so. With the drive now empty, quit the setup and swap to your win98 cd and start up your computer, it is a very easy installation, just follow the dialog windows.

chrispyrohaunter 12-29-2006 02:40 AM

ok one problem with that I already erased some of xp but it says access denied for some of the files and I never got a disk with the computer so I am stumped I just want to erase everything and start from scratch cause i have been having problems with that system and I want to use it for animatronics for a haunted house so all I need is win 98 and I am set I also need dos but that can be handeled later.

chrispyrohaunter 12-29-2006 02:43 AM

I also thought of this too I didnt buy xp well kinda it came on the system already and I never made a backup disk for it all well

then10477 12-29-2006 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by chrispyrohaunter (Post 4537)
I have an hp and I want to completeley remove xp and put 98 on it. I cant seem to erase all of it from the hard drive how do I accomplish this? Also, I was wondering where do I find a version of ms dos and how do I install it and get win 98 up and running I know this is a long question but it would be very helpful to get it answered.

You need to boot to DOS and preform a FDISk and delete the partion, then
create a new partion . Then reboot the computer and format the drive, or
just put in your 98 disk and let it do the job and install .


Artik2 01-10-2007 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by then10477 (Post 4555)
You need to boot to DOS and preform a FDISk and delete the partion, then
create a new partion . Then reboot the computer and format the drive, or
just put in your 98 disk and let it do the job and install .


Exactly... or instead create other partition you can destroy your actual one and re-create it. So the old OS will be erased.

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