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shealcorn 04-23-2008 03:14 PM

get into monitor
i have a samsung syncmaster 900ift that has fingerprints inside the screen and i need to get inside to clean it.

Wombat 04-23-2008 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by shealcorn (Post 10626)
i have a samsung syncmaster 900ift that has fingerprints inside the screen and i need to get inside to clean it.

Just out of interest how old is this monitor, have you just purchased it?

If you have just purchased it, take it back to the dealer for replacement as it is in a unacceptable condition.

If you have had it for a while, why have you waited so long to find a way to fix it?

lurkswithin 04-23-2008 10:19 PM

Fingerprints inside the screen means that someone other than the manufacturer has been into this monitor....I would have them do the clean-up.

squirrelnmoose 04-23-2008 10:43 PM

Also there is a lot of power running through monitors (LCD & CRT) and some of that can be stored in components, even after being unplugged for a while. If you don't know about electronics I would suggest you take it back or hire some one who is qualified.

I once watched a coworker get blown 8 feet across the room once from forgetting to discharge the CRT.

lurkswithin 04-23-2008 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 10640)
I once watched a coworker get blown 8 feet across the room once from forgetting to discharge the CRT.

It happened to me but not because I forgot to discharge. I had an open chasis on a work bench as I was checking some voltages from the high voltage transformer when I was jostled by a co-worker.

45,000 volts running through you is not a pleasent feeling. Nor is the brusing from the act of being ....not thrown.... but more like shot into the wall at the back of the shop!

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