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ju.c 09-01-2006 03:35 AM

Frustrations and registry hacks.
In Windows XP Pro, how do you Remove from Desktop Items:
My Documents and My Network Places? I don't mean removed from the desktop, that's easy. I am also very frustrated with all the crap in windows when I am the only user. I don't want or need to login or logout. No "Shared Folders" please. No "All Users" either, thankyou.
Registry hacks are what I'm looking for. I've learned a great many things tinkering in the registry, (and how to reinstall windows!) One day soon I will submit my hard learned secrets to everyone at SysChat!
Here's one tip, to change the names of almost everything including the Recycle Bin, go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/
Windows/ShellNoRoam/MUICache. Here you'll find items and their name. Look for Recycle Bin ,for example, and modify it's value to your new name! Easy. Tip #2, save the location in Favorites to find it again.
I changed the Recycle Bin empty icon to a beautiful red rose, and the full icon to a steaming pile of dog crap! I just need a good name to call it. Something that describes a place where unwanted files go to await their fate. Suggestions?

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