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nicetwice 05-23-2007 11:12 AM

Four new mice on the market
Microsoft has launched its newest models of mice, along with the Microsoft Vista. They are designed according to what the usual computer user needs and wants, as well as for the professional gamer. Here is a brief description and comparison of each.

1. First is the Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000. It has a spherical shape, ergonomically designed to relax the hand and wrist while using it, although it is designed for right handed people in mind. It is good for those who use for internet and office applications but not as effective for gamers. Its difficult to precisely track objects, even with a 1000 dpi laser sensor. Two buttons are located at the left side, which is hard to reach and a four way scroll wheel which is not that easy to use. If you tend to use the computer for longer hours, this mouse may be best for you.

2. Second is the Habu which Microsoft made with Razer, to be able to understand the needs of gamers on a mouse. This has a sensor with a resolution of 2000 dpi, very precise optics and an accelerated reporting rate. This is a mouse that reacts fast and accurately. Two buttons located beneath the scroll wheel allows the gamer to either increase or decrease resolutions. It’s shape is more bulky, also ergonomic for right handed people, but does not hinder handling for quick hand movement that is very descriptive of gamers. There are two additional left buttons that can be detached and replaced with one of a better position for the user. It can be considered one of the most excellent mice for gamers.

3. Third is the Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 is the new mouse in combination with the Windows Vista. It is traditionally shaped, gray and with a conservative look. It also has an ergonomic design that adds to its comfort. The scroll wheel and buttons are easily accessed and can be used by either right handed or left handed people. Although not the best choice for gamers, it is well suited for the other types of computer users. Its weight is a little bit heavier than the common ones although still within allowable limits. Wireless communication can be done via Bluetooth which is good since you are able to use it even at a distance. It also comes with a rechargeable battery. Its sensor has a resolution of 1000 dpi and a Microsoft Intelligence Tracking System. This mouse is quite precise although not as good as the Habu for gamers but better than the others.

4. The fourth mouse is the Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000 which was developed for portable computers. It is more compact and rounded, with better performance that the desktop models. It is a quite comfortable for its size and its ergonomic design allows for better handling. What stands out in this model is when you flip this mouse over, there are a series of buttons that is designed to be a multimedia remote control and presentation pointer. It makes it a very effective tool in project presentations. It is also connected to the computer via Bluetooth and power supplied by batteries, with a low battery indicator.

There are a lot of mice to choose from, different colors, shapes, sizes as well as performance. Select the one which will fit your needs well and after a couple of years, new ones will be developed again.

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