The organized storage of database in bulk amount was not possible to be done with convenience before the creation of SQL Server application but now after the creation of the respective server, the users are struck with the corruption of the server database as well as its backup due to heavy and internal damage. The damage of database can be resolved if you have a backup file for it, so that data backed up on the file can be restored but when the backup file also gets corrupted due to heavy database corruption; that’s when users need to start worrying a little bit. There are unlimited number of application programs available in the software market but to reliably fix SQL Server backup file you must invest on a complete and hefty application program only which has been designed with safety measures that ensures the retention of SQL database. The SQL Backup Recovery should be performed by the users in order to get a solution for the restoration of data from their damaged backup file.
Erroneous Message Followed By SQL BAK File Destruction
There are unlimited numbers of error messages that are linked with the corruption of SQL backup file but here only one of them has been discussed so that the users can get a glance of the symptoms after receiving an error message which abnormally shuts down the restoration procedure.
Suppose you try to restore a corrupted or internally damaged SQL backup database, and then chances are high that you might get confronted by the following error message:
Msg 3243, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The media family on device ‘D:\TestDB.bak’ was created using Microsoft Tape Format version 1.22. SQL Server supports version 1.0.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
However, even after facing the error some users insist on the point that something must probably be wrong with the way the backup was done.
Actually, in this situation there is nothing wrong other than the backup file which is the one that has been corrupted due to which restoration process gets terminated automatically with the display of an error.
Whatever The Reason Be, Fix SQL Server Backup
The SQL Backup Recovery application is easily available in the software market to serve users with the ability to
fix SQL Server backup file and repair SQL backup database so that at least if the database becomes corrupted, a backup file is there for the restoration procedure.
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