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GreatBearPaw 08-30-2007 11:51 AM

Firmware for PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W1610A???
I have a PLEXTOR CD-RW which has given me no end of problems.

I did a Google search for updates to the firmware and found that I have one of the oldest versions of the firmware. It seems as though PLEXTOR has fallen off the Earth----a very long search just gave information about versions (with no
downloads available)---- hunting for PLEXTOR sites give a 404 response.

Any help out there?

Thanks in advance,


GreatBearPaw 08-31-2007 10:48 AM

PROBLEM SOLVED---have latest firware but still have troubles
After I posted the message above I tried one last time a couple of sites that had
given 404 error---One of them was up and I was able to download the latest
firmware update----unfortunately it did not solve my problems with this CD-RW----I will just buy a new one.


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