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SweetBabyJames 03-09-2007 05:04 PM

Files & folders?
I'm trying to add songs to a program i just bought. (BandinaBox) My songs are in a folder, is that different than a file? I need to open the folder, but cant figure out how. I click on "open file" (BiaB) and a box pops up with my choices. I click on the file that has my song folder in it. It opens, then i click on my song folder, but it does'nt open. Do i need to move it or change the name? I know you are busy with real stuff, but if you get the chance, please HELP! Thanks, SweetBabyJames:confused:

jlacosta 03-09-2007 05:30 PM

If the popup box is a tree type +/- browse feature, then you have to add the folder itself to the playlist.

SweetBabyJames 03-09-2007 05:54 PM

Files & folders
There is no browse feature, just "open". The song file/folder is in a desktop file/folder. I click on the desktop file and it opens, then i click on my song file and it opens, but when i'm using BiaB "open" i can get to the desktop file and get it opened, but cant get the song file opened. I hope i did'nt fry your brain with all that confusion! Thanks for replying,

mahahaavaahava 03-10-2007 01:19 AM


what format are your music-files? If you choose the Open-button in BB, you'll only be able to select Band-in-a-box songfiles or melody-files (SGU or MGU -filetypes):

(images removed by Mahahaavaahava as not needed any longer)

If your files are of another type, you need to select a different Open-command from the File-pulldownmenu: (Like MIDI or Generic Audio-files e.g. MP3)

(images removed by Mahahaavaahava as not needed any longer)

If you select the Open Audio-option, you'll be able to select all audiofiletypes from your desktopfolder that are supported by BB.

HTH, Petri
(I think this is your problem...?)

SweetBabyJames 03-10-2007 11:40 AM

Files & folders, Thanks!
Thanks for your help! I got what i wanted to BiaB. Now i'm cooking with gas! LOL I'll read the manual and see if i can figure out what to do next!
Thanks Again! SweetBabyJames:)

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