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jimbo1 06-23-2006 05:12 PM

When I attempt to attach a file to an email with browse I get an error message 'The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by windows' and foxfire locks up. When I use the browse the desktop the window vanishes.

Jormin 06-23-2006 05:37 PM

First I wanted to welcome you to the SysChat website. We are glad to have you. I believe we need some more information about your problem. What OS, Software, and Or website are you getting this error?

jimbo1 06-23-2006 05:43 PM

It happens when I am on the site. I am using Windows XP on a Dell INSPIRON 6000.

Jormin 06-23-2006 10:49 PM

It could be a number of things. Let's trouble shoot a little. First you need to make sure your FireFox is the latest version. Second, Make sure your firewall is configured correctly. Also it could be that doesn't accept certain file extensions. (ie: .zip & .exe)

postolovski 01-14-2007 03:05 PM

File Picker Solution?
Did anyone ever find a solution to the "The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by windows" error? My laptop has the same problem and I have not been able to fix it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sami 01-14-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by postolovski (Post 4823)
Did anyone ever find a solution to the "The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by windows" error? My laptop has the same problem and I have not been able to fix it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Try this solution ( and let us know if it works.

postolovski 01-16-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sami (Post 4825)
Try this solution ( and let us know if it works.

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it without any success. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!

rimmei 02-01-2007 11:31 AM

I've run into the same problem.

In my case, the problem was caused by a single short cut on a desktop. When I removed that shortcut and re-created it, the problem has completely gone!!

The shortcut was ok for a very long time, so I don't know the exact reason why it suddenly caused the problem. But anyway it was solved for me.

How to find the bad shortcut:
1) put everything (except My Computer, My Documents etc) on the desktop into a new folder.
2) open that folder in a small window and scroll within it. When the bad shortcut appears in the window, the explorer.exe immediately crashes.
3) remove that shortcut.

postolovski 02-05-2007 10:51 PM

Thanks rimmei. I'll try that if it happens again. I ended up just re-imaging the laptop. It took a good part of the day, but it fixed the problem. Good luck to those still trying to fix the filepicker problem. It's a real nuisance.

DayIsBlue15 03-26-2008 11:48 PM

So I googled this filepicker problem I've been having and I was hoping to get a little help from you guys. Every time I click 'Browse' to attach a file using an email service (my school's email or Yahoo), the Filepicker window pops up and I'm unable to attach anything.

I'm also having a problem with my iTunes. When I click 'File>Add File to Library', my iTunes shuts down. It doesn't shut down though when I click 'File>Add Folder to Library'.

I'm thinking the two problems are related. Any suggestions?

Edit: Also, I use Windows Vista...If that helps.

b1caez01 04-19-2008 05:20 AM

What's "file picker" ?
I will assume that you are talking about the window pop-up that occurs when you hit "Attach" in your mailer.

1. Try TweakUI to repair the program-icon shortcut relationship.
2. Be sure the registry is in order
3. Defrag and scan disk to be sure all is in order there
4. run sfc /scannow to be sure all of Windows working files are there and in order
5. Be sure your browser has not, internally, been set up to use only certain search modes, or certain saving processes
6. I have three programs set up in my start folder to be ready to go when I finally sit down to work...they run continuously: a] WinPatrol, b] Process Explorer, and c] MacDev's STOPIT... at least one of these three will kill the program that has tied your system in knots...that is, if the Taskbar is operable.
6. Completely uninstall your browser, don't forget the c:\Program Files\Common Files\references to that browser...then reinstall it
7. Repeat, but this time be sure not one reference to the prog is to be found in the User or Machine keys in the registry.
8. Return to the Control Panel...uninstall all Windows addon options, then regclean, then reinstall all options
9. Visit Control Panel...track down "Services" and check which are disabled, and have some inference to a possible cause of the problem...turn it back on While you are there, go down to Messenger, and disable it.
10. Go to inboard Help Centre


sysvop 04-30-2009 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by rimmei (Post 5008)
I've run into the same problem.

In my case, the problem was caused by a single short cut on a desktop. When I removed that shortcut and re-created it, the problem has completely gone!!

The shortcut was ok for a very long time, so I don't know the exact reason why it suddenly caused the problem. But anyway it was solved for me.

How to find the bad shortcut:
1) put everything (except My Computer, My Documents etc) on the desktop into a new folder.
2) open that folder in a small window and scroll within it. When the bad shortcut appears in the window, the explorer.exe immediately crashes.
3) remove that shortcut.

Thank you thank you thank you! The only reason i registered here is to say thanks :-) This problem has been driving me nuts for the past weeks, it affected my work laptop and it became soooo annoying to work around it. No spyware/adware/virus found, windows system file check / chdsk / ... showed no error at all, googling before finding this suggested it's either a trojan (none was found) or that somehow the Desktop folder got moved elsewhere by some windows update (which isn't the case). I was then blaming RAM or hard drive and was about to throw it out the window...

This saved my day!! :) :) :)

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