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outofbreath 04-12-2006 07:20 AM

Favorite Fans?
So what are your favorite fan makers? Any particular models you like?

Till relatively recently I didn't pay that much attention to a manufacturer. Sadly, I often went with the stock Intel cooling solution (read cheap aluminimum cooler and even cheaper fan).

Now, I replaced the stock solution with Thermaltake fan and immediately CPU temp went down and I was able to play with overclocking a bit.

zCon 04-14-2006 02:40 PM

You know, to be honest, I've never paid attention to the make of fans... Next time I get one I'll try out a Thermaltake fan. Thanks for the info.

Proud9mmMan 05-10-2007 07:38 AM

AKASA makes one of the best fans on the market.They are really quiet and noiseless.I'd replaced all my fans with this brand.Try it yourself and you want be sorry.

William_Wilson 05-10-2007 09:12 AM

Thermaltake makes a great fan (heatsink) I'm currently using an Aeroflow in my case and it lowered my core temp by almost 10 degrees C when i installed it.

Cobalt 05-22-2007 06:05 PM

Thermaltake and Akasa both have an excellent range of cooling equipment. I've tried low-noise fans from both manufacturers and was very happy with the results - You won't believe how much ambient noise goes down upon replacement of stock fans with these. The added bonus is that they aren't particularly expensive when you consider the benefits over a generic, no-name branded fan. They also tend to fit better - Anyone else had any frights with ill-fitting CPU heatsink and fan setups? :icon_wink:

Dutchie 05-22-2007 08:10 PM

Yes I'm a "fan" :) of Thermaltake as well,but recently I've come across
some other excellent fans.
Eg. Antec - TriCool
and the other is Seasonic for quality powersupplies with very quiet fans.
:::: Sea Sonic ::::

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