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pairbrother 12-24-2005 06:04 AM

Fave oldie games
What about the games ppl played like some 15 yrs back, Prince of Persia, Dave, Aladdin, Wolf 3D, does anyone still plays them here?
I particularly like Prince of Persia, but never went on to complete more than 9 Levels or so, and Wolf 3D, that was just an amazing game, can play it now also for hours on end!
Any other favourites of ppl out here?

Firefox 12-31-2005 11:58 AM

Dizzy rocked on the Spectrum ZX
And Batty on the same platform
Both cool games just not recognised for their coolness today....bring back the Spectrum ZX...rubber keys were great!!

ThomasW 12-31-2005 05:21 PM

Wolf 3D was 15 years ago? I remember playing the *ORIGINAL* Castle Wolfenstein which was written for the APPLE II. It was quite the hit back in the day. It was 2-d of course, and was played on a monochrome display. The graphics were blocky pixels, but it was a lot of fun. Back from that same era, I really enjoyed Ultima 3, and Olympic Decathalon.

I remember getting the original Wizardy on that same Apple II clone, but for some reason it would not work. Was the first game I ever bought for that machine and I never got to play it.

Even older than that I had a TRS80 CoCo that had a tape drive. I used to go to RadioShack and buy tape cassette adventure games that would take like 20 minutes to load.

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