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Patrick Senac 04-11-2014 01:29 PM

exception processing message

Each time i receive a message with attachment to be printed, I have on my PCv Windows XP pro SP3 a stupid windows with following message" exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75afb7c 4 75afb7c 75afb7c"
I cannot print and I have to quit all applications to be able to get rid of that message.
Can Any one tell me how to get rid of this problem once for all
Thanking you in advance
Patrick [email protected]

Patrick Senac 04-12-2014 05:47 AM

exception processing message
finally found a way. This may help people with same problemHaving scoured the net looking for answers, and finding some suggesting renaming drives, etc., etc., I found this (and it worked for me):

Here is your answer after 3 hours online with HP
Here are the steps.

Click on Start > Run.

Type in as regedit and click on ok.
You will get a popup window as Registry.

Click on + sign at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Click on + sign at SYSTEM.

Click on + sign at CurrentControlSet.

Click on + sign at Control.

Click on Windows there.

Can you see ErrorMode key on the right side panel?


Double click on ErrorMode and change the value data 2 and click on ok.

Now, you have to restart the PC, and after that you will not get the

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