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alex21 08-04-2009 08:58 AM

Error 0x000000007b (Win XP reinstall)
Hello, I have a Sony VAIO Laptop 2.40Ghz P8600 2 Core, PCChip PM45, Bios Insyde H2O. The problem is that when I try to install Win XP to the computer the system goes to blue screen with error: Stop: 0x0000007b. I try with a external hard drive that have a fresh copy of XP to boot, but same problem. I use the Hireng 9.9 utility disk and nothing works to me. I dont now if the Bios is secure by SONY with some virus or something. What I can do?

My Regards

Redheart 08-09-2009 03:46 PM

On the external hard drive, can you scan it for viruses? It seems that you may have a boot sector virus. It is either that or you have a device driver issue. But seeing as you are trying to install windows to the hard drive, you may need to check the hard drive for a virus.

Advanced troubleshooting for "Stop 0x0000007B" errors in Windows XP

This is for you to read on the issue of the error.

alex21 08-09-2009 11:04 PM

Thanks Redheart for the reply. I figure what was the problem, the problem is that the hardrive is SATA in the VAIO laptop and WinXP SP2 and SP3 dont have the support driver for the new installation. I install Vista without any problem and install Ubuntu without problem.

The thing is that I am triend to flash the Bios of this laptop, the laptop have Insyde Bios H20 V. 3.5, I want to write in the Bios the Machine ID for this VAIO but I dont now how to do that. Any help is welcome.

My Regards and Thanks

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