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ran_ran_diaz 05-29-2007 09:00 AM

Environmental friendly tips for computer users
An environment friendly computer

Environment should be everyone’s concern. Over the years our ozone layer has depleted and natural resources are getting scarce. In one way or another we are all guilty of destroying it but I guess it is never too late to do our part. As computer savvy people you can also do your part in protecting and preserving our environment. You may not notice it but sometimes are abuse use of the computer can be harmful for the environment.

So here are some tips and guidelines for computer users to practice to help save the environment.

Tip 1: Purchase an environmental friendly computer

As of 2006 computer manufacturers like CTL, Dell and Hp has produced environmental friendly computer desktops, laptops and even monitors. These manufacturers have attained the “green” computer standard set by U.S Environmental Protection Agency. The difference of the computers from the said manufacturers is that they conserve energy by reducing climate emission that can be harmful to the environment.

Tip 2: Be an environmental friendly computer user

Always remember to turn off your computer to conserve energy. You don’t know how much difference it can cause to the environment and at the same time to your computer system. If you are using it the whole day turn off at least the monitor during idle times and screen savers does not help in saving the energy also.

Enable the power management in your computer. It saves energy used by your computer since it adjusts automatically to low power mode when not in use.

Unplug or turn off other hardware not in use. This is common to computer printers as users always leave them open. Printers can be a good start in preserving the environment. There are environmental friendly printers already in the market and also cartridges and of course the paper as well. It is important to use recycled paper if possible and print from the clean side instead.

Tip 3: Donate

Another advisable tip is to donate computers that you are not using anymore. Many non profit organizations can benefit from it so instead of throwing it all away look for a beneficiary that can take advantage of what you will replace. Reuse the other parts also that are still working. Some components of your personal computer may still be useable in the future. Check your monitors, keyboards, mouse etc and try if it will be compatible to your next computer purchase. They can serve as a back up just in case something’s wrong happen to your new personal computer.

Tip 4: Dispose properly

According to an online source computer has been one the largest electronic waste that causes harm to the environment. Disposed computers contain mercury, lead and cadmium that can be detrimental to the water and air.

You see it doesn’t take so much effort to do all these tips. For a little awareness and effort we can all do our part in saving the environment. So the next time you use your computer think green and help save the environment.

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