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worf51 11-24-2008 01:12 AM

easy transfer cable ????????????
hi guys,a query please,this is something i know nothing about,ok i have 1 vista pc & 1 xp pc together on the one big desk,instead of swapping files between them with a usb jump drive,someone told me i can purchase an easy transfer cable to do the same thing ?? is it the same as networking or not,much appreciate any help in this matter,thank you:)

William_Wilson 11-24-2008 05:16 PM

They are similar, but not exactly the same thing.
Networking uses a router or switch to connect the computers wirelessly or via ethernet cables or both. In the case of Windows the workgroup name allows computers of the same group to access public folders on the other computer.

A transfer cable, often usb, will have a bulge in the middle which effectively acts as a router. These cables will usually come with software to allow the 2 way traffic of transferring files.

If you have internet to both of these computers or a home network it would probably be the easier route, but transfer cables are handy when this is not an option.

worf51 11-24-2008 08:43 PM

thank you so much william wilson for your reply and explanation,i only have dial up internet at the moment and only one of my pcs is on the internet at one time,i really only wanted to be able to shares files between the 2 pcs when not on the internet,photos,folders etc........

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