thanks much for helping
This is a dell Dimension E520 machine I am working on it.
I have a windows Vista home Premium PRE-INSTALLED on 250GB Hard drive
The Disk is partitioned by the manufacturer as the follow:
-47 MB healthy; -RECOVERY (D

10.00 GB NTFS healthy Primary Partition; -OS (C

223 GB NTFS healthy (System, Boot, Page, Active… Primary Partition).
I partitioned (C

and obtained a new volume 30 GB, changed drive letter to (E

because of the DVD and the CD Rom The new Volume (E

become a LOGICAL DRIVE. I formatted it. When I rebooted the PC with the XP CD the installation after stopped in midway and crashed (Blue Screen).
I think if the new partiton come as system instead of logical I should be in good shap. Most of the scenario I have see a example so far there were no recovery on a partition