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[email protected] 03-10-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cebbie (Post 10122)
I have a Dell Vostro 1700 with 2 internal hard drives When it gets to install XP it tells me It cannot find any hard drives. I can see the new drive created following your method. I have also tried just shrinking a volume to create a blank partition but still get no hd found in xp. I need some help please


I have an acer and get the same message no drive found. Just stops me cold.

lurkswithin 03-11-2008 03:15 AM

sounds like you are using a SATA or Raid configuration! you will need the drivers for this from your motherboard manufacturer web site or driver disc.

when prompted to Boot to CD hit any key....shortly after there will be another prompt to hit F6 key if you need to install 3rd party drivers. Hit the F6 key and follow the prompts to locate the driver files....either on floppy or CD

computer hack 03-11-2008 07:55 PM

Dual boot vista xp
I have followed the tutorial and it works great. Unfortunately, I have to keep changing my bios settings to get each OS to work. Vista needs "Raid On" in the bios and xp needs "Raid Auto". Each OS works fine when I change the bios settings.

However, neither one will boot up (BSOD) if the setting is not like above. I have tried to load drivers for XP when installing thru F6 and a floppy. I have tried slipstreaming XP pro with SP2 and the Raid drivers and still no luck. I have tried a Recovery XP media slipstreamed with the Raid drivers, no luck.

I am running out of ideas to try. I have a Dell dimension 9200 with Quad core and Vista Basic pre-installed and no disc. I have updated the BIOS and the Raid drivers in Vista using the Intel Storage Matrix drivers for the controller Intel 82801 hr/hh/ho sata raid.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tuche 03-13-2008 04:14 PM

Does this tutorial work if i am installing xp on a different drive ?

C: (WD 150GB RAPTOR) - Vista64
D: (WD 500GB) - DATA
E: (Seagate 160GB ) - XP should go here

same steps ?

lurkswithin 03-13-2008 06:39 PM

whether a partition or a separate drive makes no difference. But for my 2 cents worth. I would depend on a 3rd party boot manager and save yourself a lot of issues in modifying the Boot records.

I use BootIt NG for my dual booting and have so for like 5 years without any issues what so ever. Drives can be swapped or removed and new ones added very simply.

Boot Manager, Partition Manager, and Drive Image Utility - BootIt Next Generation

This one has some good reviews behind it and is free but I have never tested it. It works on the same principle as BootIt NG though

Partition Boot Manager - Reviews and free Partition Boot Manager downloads at

Cebbie 03-14-2008 04:39 AM

My Dual Boot answer
Hi all,

Dell Vostro 1700 2 internal hds Vist ultimate.

Follow the tutorial as it is fine. however you will need to make some changes first.
First go into bios ad under onboard devices and turn off FLASH CACHE MODULE.
Then SATA OPeration set it to ATA.
reboot. This will allow XP to see the dirves.
Install XP and chage the boot settins as in the tutorial.

Boot into XP and download all onbord equipment drivers for XP and install them. ie.Video, network, bluetooth, wireles the list goes on.

You will have to download them under Vista as xp network will not work untill the driver is installed.

One other if you want to install it on the second h, as i did, make sure the partitionis not dynamic, it needs to be basic for xp to see the new partition on this drive. To do this you will need to deleate the drives partiton and convert it to basic. Obvouisly you will need to back up before you delete the partition. Do not use Vista's backup/Restore. I did and when I tried to restore, it could not find the backup file, but that might be my fault as I moved it from thr drive I was going to use.

good luck Clive.

bugmenot 03-16-2008 04:58 PM

I bought a new sony vaio laptop and sony doesn't support xp any more so there are no drivers for it, so i just made a small partition to see if i could even get xp to work. I did, so i decided to make the partition bigger and install xp again. I got that installed fine and used this tutorial and it is working great. it brings the screen up where you pick xp or vista. the problem is when i select XP it brings up another black screen where i have to pick which XP i want(there is 2 on that screen). The first small partition doesn't exist and if i pick the old one it does nothing. so how do i get rid of one on that screen? thanks, Jared

squirrelnmoose 03-17-2008 02:52 AM

If you installed a boot manager to dual boot then use that to edit the boot entries.
If not here is a link to EasyBCD.
Software Library - NeoSmart Technologies

david_moody 03-19-2008 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by hitman88 (Post 8003)
I have found the problem and solution to my problem. My XP wasn't able to read partition that I've newly created. The reason is that XP can't read big hdd. Then I tried XP SP-2, it was able to see my partition. Currently, I've got my XP installed on the 2nd partition and I'm searching for drivers from my toshiba laptop. Just want to spread my finding and share the solution.:icon_wink:

I had exactly the same problem and this solved the problem. I slipstreamed my XP install disk with SP-2 and the first time I booted from this disk, XP discovered all of the partitions. No problem.

There are various articles on slipstreaming. I used this one:

peifred 03-25-2008 01:13 PM

Dual Boot Vista and XP with Vista already installed
Hi, I bought a new computer a few months ago that has Vista Home Premium on it. I am trying to instsall Xp in a dual boot mode. I have followed your instructions and created a partition. I now have 3 partitions "C" windows, "D" Recovery (was on computer when I got it), and the new one I created "E"
When I try to install XP the only drive that appears is "C" drive. Any suggestions on how I get the other drives to appear, so I can install XP?

lurkswithin 03-25-2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10357)
Hi, I bought a new computer a few months ago that has Vista Home Premium on it. I am trying to instsall Xp in a dual boot mode. I have followed your instructions and created a partition. I now have 3 partitions "C" windows, "D" Recovery (was on computer when I got it), and the new one I created "E"
When I try to install XP the only drive that appears is "C" drive. Any suggestions on how I get the other drives to appear, so I can install XP?

When do you only see the "C" drive. so that we determine what you are or have done!

peifred 03-25-2008 06:47 PM

When I boot the XP disk, and say install xp, C is the only disk that come up to install to. D & E do not show.

lurkswithin 03-26-2008 01:15 AM

Are you using
1)sata harddrives
2) RAID configuration
3)IDE configuration
4) combination of both IDE and Raid or IDE and sata drives

peifred 03-26-2008 08:46 AM

I am not sure, when I go to Device Mgr, under Disk Drives it says "SCSI Disk Device.

lurkswithin 03-26-2008 01:32 PM

Ok what you need to have on either a floppy or CD (what ever for your system) is the SCSI controller drivers in an unzipped condition. Reboot to the XP installation disc and shortly after you are prompted to "boot from CD press any key" then you will be prompted again to "install thired party or RAID drivers press F6" you will need to press the F6 key and wait till you are prompted again to load the driver files on the floppy or CD.

After the driver files are installed then you should be able to see the other partitions!

peifred 03-26-2008 01:51 PM


Wombat 03-26-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10370)

You do not say in your posts, what brand of computer / motherboard you have to check their website for the drivers you need.

Mine are on the Asus motherboard cdrom, check your motherboard cdrom and you might have them as well. On the Asus cdrom it has a utility to make the driver disk as well...

peifred 03-26-2008 05:59 PM

I have a Gateway GM5471 Desktop Computer. I went on there website looking for a SCSI Controller Driver, there was so many of them thewre I did not have a clue as to what one I needed.

Wombat 03-26-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10372)
I have a Gateway GM5471 Desktop Computer. I went on there website looking for a SCSI Controller Driver, there was so many of them thewre I did not have a clue as to what one I needed.

I could not find any mention of GM5471 at this Gateway link... Gateway Support

lurkswithin 03-26-2008 09:55 PM

gateway does not use the model numbers for their support. You have to use the serial number that is posted somewhere on the computer. usually on a tag stuck on a door or on the outside of the case.

peifred 03-27-2008 09:20 AM

Which one of these downloads do I need? It will be under Vista 32 bit. Sorry to keep bothering you.

Gateway Support - Drivers & Downloads)

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10379)
Which one of these downloads do I need? It will be under Vista 32 bit. Sorry to keep bothering you.

Gateway Support - Drivers & Downloads)

A link does not do any good as we would still need the serial number! Look for the scsi controller driver download!

peifred 03-27-2008 07:33 PM

Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Wombat 03-27-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10385)
Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Now were cooking with gas, it helps when you put the right model number in.

Here's a list of downloads for that model. The SATA driver you want is about the fifth one down...

Gateway Support Drivers & Downloads

TrinXTC 03-27-2008 10:37 PM

:help: I have made my partition for XP and attempted to boot to my CD, but it will not recognize the new partition. I tried slipstreaming, but that didn't work. Please help!!!!

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by TrinXTC (Post 10387)
:help: I have made my partition for XP and attempted to boot to my CD, but it will not recognize the new partition. I tried slipstreaming, but that didn't work. Please help!!!!

You need to make your own post.

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10385)
Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Nvidia SATA IDE Driver Version: 5.10.2600.0962

That is the driver download for what you sure to read the "How to Download" and "How to Install" before you download the file!

It will give you step by step information on it!

peifred 03-28-2008 03:27 PM

I want to thank you for your patients: It seems evertime I think I am OK I run into another road block. I did what you said, but when I push f6 it come up that I do not have a floppy drive, and it only gives me two choices, 1. to csncel instsll of driver or cancel install of XP. There is no way to install the driver. Seems like I am not destined to install XP on this computer. Thanks for you help anyways.

Wombat 03-28-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10397)
I want to thank you for your patients: It seems evertime I think I am OK I run into another road block. I did what you said, but when I push f6 it come up that I do not have a floppy drive, and it only gives me two choices, 1. to csncel instsll of driver or cancel install of XP. There is no way to install the driver. Seems like I am not destined to install XP on this computer. Thanks for you help anyways.

You now have two choices:

01: Slipstream your SATA drivers into your Win XP cdrom. Full details here... How To: Slipstream your XP installation - admin - Maximum PC

02: Run Win XP in MS Virtual PC 2007 (which is a freebie)...Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 download

lurkswithin 03-28-2008 08:17 PM

As wombat has pointed out...there is usually a way around obstacles...just don't give up..

Right now the best bet is to go with Virtual PC. It is really easy to work with and a heck of a lot safer from the baddies.

peifred 03-29-2008 01:09 PM

I really appreciate all the ideas and effort you have put into trying to solve my problem: I have tried method 1 and worked on it for 3 hours and it does not work. and the download from Microsoft, only does not work with Vista Home Premium, I would have to have at least Ultimate. It just looks like I will not be able to run both Vista and XP on my computer. I just seem to be hitting my head against a brick wall. Thanks again

MikeMurder 03-29-2008 02:27 PM

Hi William, thank you for a great tutorial.
I have a problem but it's kinda different than usual, i followed the tutorial and created a 30gb partition on my Vista PC's 400gb C: drive. i wanted XP on because i belong to a gaming clan and the primary game we play (DCX mod) doesnt run on Vista.
everything seemed to be perfect until i came to select XP from the duel boot option and it wouldnt run.
i looked at your screenshot of your completed bcdedit file and compared it to mine, it was almost identical apart from 1 entry.
Under my Windows Boot Manager, the device was listed as "partition=s:" instead of C: like yours.

My PC is a philips Freevents media centre PC bought from PC World 3 weeks ago and though it only has a single hdd there is a small partition of 1.49gb labeled (system)S: that only has 43mb of hidden system files on it. what this is i dont know but i presume this is the fly in my ointment :(

anyway this was my problem but isnt why i am posting a request for help... i got frustrated and decided that i would just do without the old game and XP and would just use the 30gb partition as a backup drive, i formated the XP drive (which was labeled D: and my Vista is C: ) but now when i start up i get the duel boot screen despite having formatted the D: XP Partition lol.
I followed your tutorial to create the duel boot menu at startup but i am embarressed to ask for more help to remove the duel boot menu so my PC fires up straight into Vista again :embarrassed:

sorry for the long winded post but i wanted to explain things fully, and i am sorry if this question has already been answered... i was reading through from the start but this thread is 32 pages long lol :embarrassed:

thank you :)

squirrelnmoose 03-29-2008 06:45 PM

You should be able to remove the OS entry using EasyBCD boot manager.
Download EasyBCD 1.7.1 - NeoSmart Technologies

MikeMurder 03-29-2008 07:55 PM

thank you :)

yaadman01 04-02-2008 11:45 PM

Dual Boot Vista and XP with Vista already installed
Hi, I'm trying to do a duel install with XP and vista. Vista being installed first. I followed your posting but whenever I try to in stall XP, it wants to format the C: drive because it says it's in an "unknown format". And when it's listed at the installation screen, it's displaying it as "Unknown file type instead of NTFS. The problem is Vista is on the C drive and I'm thinking I've done something wrong. Help!

miles 04-06-2008 03:05 PM

Thanks for your excellent article. I have been slowly making sure I can do everything you suggest, especially the Vista repair, as the process of getting to the repair screen is different on my HP laptop. My problem now, however, is that the xp install disk doesn't see the new partition I made. I even went back and formatted it to see if that would help. It only sees 'c'. Thanks.

hell7 04-17-2008 11:31 AM

hi william,

i first dual booted vista after installing XP and it worked fine.
my XP was on drive C and Vista was on E....both were 64bit OS'es
today I downgraded my XP to 32bit and all this horrible things happenned but I saw your great article and managed to get to step 3. the thing is that I still no matter how I do step 3, the dual boot for vista won't show up and i'm stuck on XP. I also tried doing "bcdedit" on XP but it kept telling me it was not recognized. So I checked and realized that the file itself is not there. Can you please help on what is going on ? I've been trying to get it right for a long time now.....thanks william.....

NataliaP 04-25-2008 01:34 PM

It Works!!!
I'd like to thank to the author of this tuturial, William Wilson, for this article.
I did everything as explained and it worked just perfect.

The only thing I did different was using VistaBootPro and .NetFramework, instead of step 3.

Now I have both windows Vista and XP Pro working in my computer!!!

Thank you, William!!!

L F Johnson 05-04-2008 05:51 PM

vista primary has 4 partitions
William looks like a very useful tutorial.

My problem is that my Dell with vista already has 4 partitions. C and D with two others, one is a Dell Direct media. My understanding is that there are a max of four primary and so I need a logicial for E: to install Win2000.

I have thought about it an I think that I prefer to install Vista in C and Win on E because I can easily remove Win200 with out changing Vista.

At the moment I think I need to reinstall vista to create a logical partition
using the vista storage manager.


Campuschris 05-16-2008 02:21 AM

All is well up to last part...
Okies. So I went through the whole tutorial, which made everything really easy. Everything went fine till the last bcdedit thing. I skipped it and went with VistaBootPro (already have framework). Now, this is what my bcdedit looks like

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
description Windows Boot Manager
locale EN-US
inherit {globalsettings}
default {current}
displayorder {current}
toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
timeout 30

Windows Boot Loader
identifier {current}
device partition=C:
path \WINDOWS\system32\winload.e
description Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate
osdevice partition=C:
systemroot \WINDOWS
resumeobject {498df071-2318-11dd-aecf-80

Windows Legacy OS Loader
identifier {ntldr}
device partition=C:
path \ntldr
description Microsoft Windows XP


All is well, right? So I restart my computer and choose vista. Boots up great. I restart again and choose xp... it restarts my computer. I go through the HP logo... back to the option between the 2 OSes. I try choosing XP again... same thing. Restarts comp.

Any ideas?

Note: Vista is loaded on C:
XP is loaded on J:

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