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peifred 03-27-2008 09:20 AM

Which one of these downloads do I need? It will be under Vista 32 bit. Sorry to keep bothering you.

Gateway Support - Drivers & Downloads)

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10379)
Which one of these downloads do I need? It will be under Vista 32 bit. Sorry to keep bothering you.

Gateway Support - Drivers & Downloads)

A link does not do any good as we would still need the serial number! Look for the scsi controller driver download!

peifred 03-27-2008 07:33 PM

Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Wombat 03-27-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10385)
Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Now were cooking with gas, it helps when you put the right model number in.

Here's a list of downloads for that model. The SATA driver you want is about the fifth one down...

Gateway Support Drivers & Downloads

TrinXTC 03-27-2008 10:37 PM

:help: I have made my partition for XP and attempted to boot to my CD, but it will not recognize the new partition. I tried slipstreaming, but that didn't work. Please help!!!!

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by TrinXTC (Post 10387)
:help: I have made my partition for XP and attempted to boot to my CD, but it will not recognize the new partition. I tried slipstreaming, but that didn't work. Please help!!!!

You need to make your own post.

lurkswithin 03-27-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10385)
Model: Gateway GM5472 Desktop Computer
Serial Number: GCX7791001179

I cant see anything like what you are saying. I guess I wont be able to install XP with Vista on my computer. I dont know were else to look. Thanks

Nvidia SATA IDE Driver Version: 5.10.2600.0962

That is the driver download for what you sure to read the "How to Download" and "How to Install" before you download the file!

It will give you step by step information on it!

peifred 03-28-2008 03:27 PM

I want to thank you for your patients: It seems evertime I think I am OK I run into another road block. I did what you said, but when I push f6 it come up that I do not have a floppy drive, and it only gives me two choices, 1. to csncel instsll of driver or cancel install of XP. There is no way to install the driver. Seems like I am not destined to install XP on this computer. Thanks for you help anyways.

Wombat 03-28-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by peifred (Post 10397)
I want to thank you for your patients: It seems evertime I think I am OK I run into another road block. I did what you said, but when I push f6 it come up that I do not have a floppy drive, and it only gives me two choices, 1. to csncel instsll of driver or cancel install of XP. There is no way to install the driver. Seems like I am not destined to install XP on this computer. Thanks for you help anyways.

You now have two choices:

01: Slipstream your SATA drivers into your Win XP cdrom. Full details here... How To: Slipstream your XP installation - admin - Maximum PC

02: Run Win XP in MS Virtual PC 2007 (which is a freebie)...Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 download

lurkswithin 03-28-2008 08:17 PM

As wombat has pointed out...there is usually a way around obstacles...just don't give up..

Right now the best bet is to go with Virtual PC. It is really easy to work with and a heck of a lot safer from the baddies.

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