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Downloads  Folderscope : Folderscope is a free software utility for analyzing and reorganizing folders of any size. It is designed to work efficiently even with extremely large folders, and has been tested on a folder contain ... [more] (Unknown Size) 12-12-2009 1895 0
Downloads  TUGZip : TUGZip is a powerful award-winning freeware archiving utility for Windows® that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded and disc-image files, as wel ... [more] (3.82 MB) 03-24-2007 1315 0
Downloads  FileMenu Tools : FileMenu Tools lets customize the context menu of the Windows Explorer. It lets configure the following aspects: Add some build-in utilities in order to do operations over files and folders ... [more] (3.48 MB) 01-12-2007 1215 0
Downloads  Tiny Shredder : Tiny Shredder is a small file utility that will completely erase the contents of sensitive files and folders that you specify. Normal file deletion only removes a file's directory entry, but leaves th ... [more] (63.5 KB) 10-21-2006 1349 0
Downloads  AxCrypt : File Encryption software. Strong, but extremely easy to use, for all current versions of Windows. It integrates directly with Windows Explorer, enabling encryption, decryption and opening in original  ... [more] (295.8 KB) 09-30-2006 1224 0
Downloads  Directory Sizes : Scan, display, and export all directory subtrees with sizes. (131.8 KB) 06-07-2006 1882 0
Downloads  TrueCrypt : Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux Features: * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. * Encrypts an entire  ... [more] (Unknown Size) 06-02-2006 1011 0
Downloads  Simple File Shredder : Simple File Shredder is a utility that securely deletes your files so they cant be restored using recovery software. When you delete a file using the conventional Windows delete method, the file is ... [more] (Unknown Size) 04-05-2006 1242 0
Downloads  CD Library : CD Library is a complete organizer for your CD collection. You can find your files in seconds. All your frustrations about not finding that CD you are looking for will be gone. It offers many features ... [more] (Unknown Size) 02-26-2006 1404 0
Downloads  OpenOffice : A fully featured MS Office compatible productivity suite. Whether your inspiration translates to text, drawings, graphics, animation, or spreadsheets--OpenOffice software gives you the tools to bring  ... [more] (Unknown Size) 02-26-2006 1191 0
Downloads  StuffIt Expander : StuffIt Expander easily expands and decodes all those files you download from the Web or receive in your email. It quickly decompresses StuffIt™ files, plus unzips Zip files created by WinZip® or a ... [more] (Unknown Size) 02-26-2006 1264 0
Downloads  Zip Repair : Easy and free fix for damaged zip files Repair zip files for free! The zip file format is the most popular form of data storage. It is widely used for backup and transfer of information over the inte ... [more] (409.6 KB) 02-26-2006 1438 0
Downloads  IZArc - zip archive utility : IZArc is the ultimate archive utility suports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, ... [more] (Unknown Size) 02-26-2006 1529 0

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