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Downloads  CmosPwd : CmosPwd decrypts password stored in cmos used to access BIOS SETUP. Works with the following BIOSes ACER/IBM BIOS AMI BIOS AMI WinBIOS 2.5 Award 4.5x/4.6x/6.0 Compaq (1992) Compaq (New version) IBM ( ... [more] (106.7 KB)   Pinned File 10-23-2009 85779 4
Downloads  !Bios : !Bios is a tool originally developed for a brute, blunt removal of passwords from BIOSes. Through it’s development it has been severly extended. Features: * !Bios can decrypt the passwords use ... [more] (46.1 KB)   Pinned File 10-23-2009 69585 0
Downloads  PasswordFox : PasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your  ... [more] (Unknown Size) 10-28-2009 1323 0
Downloads  OEM Password Recovery : Use this FREE application to view, save, copy to clipboard or selective delete such data as user name and password for the programs: Internet Explorer (saved passwords), Outlook Express (including del ... [more] (Unknown Size) 03-28-2006 1462 0
Downloads  TURBO ZIP CRACKER : Recovering lost passwords to ZIP archives created using WinZip, PKZip or any other ZIP-compatible software (Unknown Size) 03-28-2006 1411 0
Downloads  LCP : Password auditing and recovery tool for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Accounts information import. Passwords recovering by dictionary attack, brute force attack, hybrid of dictionary and brute force attack ... [more] (Unknown Size) 03-28-2006 1478 0
Downloads  Asterisk Password Recovery Key : Asterisk Key shows passwords hidden under asterisks. The tool works both with password dialog boxes and web pages. The software is easy to use - press 'Recover' button to recover all the passwords. As ... [more] (Unknown Size) 03-28-2006 1481 0
Downloads  Ophcrack : Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on a time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is a new variant of Hellman’s original trade-off, with better performance. It recovers 99.9% of alp ... [more] (Unknown Size) 03-28-2006 1611 0


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