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Downloads [Download RockXP]
File Name: RockXP (747.1 KB) Download
Author: Korben (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 09-30-2006
Downloads: 1623
Grade: A+
- Allow you to get all Microsoft Software Serials
- Allow you to change your XP key
- Allow you to save you XP activation
- Allow you to retrieve you internet connection parameters (like passwords)
- Allow you to retrieve MSN login and password
- Allow you to retrieve XP login and HASH password
- Allow you to display system password (LSA)
- Allow you to generate random password
- and others more features !!
Downloads [Download RockXP]

10-15-2006 at 08:31 AM
This file has malware and should not be downloaded
11-28-2006 at 04:20 AM
12-08-2006 at 07:56 AM
Malware how did u evaluate it is one,pliz give some details
12-31-2006 at 12:19 AM
symantec flags it as having "hacktool"
01-21-2007 at 12:45 AM
Hi Chuck33,

This software is free of Malware and spyware.

Check out this notice from the author of this tool

Small Warning : RockXP is a tool that allow you to retrieve password. To do that, RockXP use a third part tool called Pwdump2.exe is an opensource software (Sources are included in RockXp). This tool retrieve HASH password of Windows. Unfortunatly, some Antivirus detect this tool like a Virus, but it’s not.
02-12-2007 at 05:01 PM

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