Folderscope is a free software utility for analyzing and reorganizing folders of any size. It is designed to work efficiently even with extremely large folders, and has been tested on a folder containing 800,000 files and 400 gigabytes of data. Folderscope presents the user a flat sortable list of all the files contained within a folder (including the files in any of its subfolders)
Files and subfolders can then be browsed and marked in a variety of ways. Marked files can be copied, moved or deleted all-at-once. All changes are added to a scrollable Pending Changes list for inspectation before being committed.
What is Folderscope used for?
Folderscope is a general-purpose folder and disk management tool. Some common tasks are...
Get a quick and complete overview of the hierachical structure and content of a new folder you have received.
Find the most recently modified files anywhere in a folder hierarchy of documents.
Find the files and folders taking up the most space on your hard drive, and move them to a different drive.
Find duplicate files (files with identical content) in your documents folder and delete them.
Reliably copy the entire content of one external hard drive to another.
Backup the files from your main hard drive to an external drive.
Search for files of a paticular name (or partial path) quickly in a big hierarchy of files.
Extract files of a particular type (for example image files) out of a hierarchy and move them to a different root folder.