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File Name: Folderscope (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Folderscope (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 12-12-2009
Downloads: 1899
Grade: Not Rated
Folderscope is a free software utility for analyzing and reorganizing folders of any size. It is designed to work efficiently even with extremely large folders, and has been tested on a folder containing 800,000 files and 400 gigabytes of data. Folderscope presents the user a flat sortable list of all the files contained within a folder (including the files in any of its subfolders)

Files and subfolders can then be browsed and marked in a variety of ways. Marked files can be copied, moved or deleted all-at-once. All changes are added to a scrollable Pending Changes list for inspectation before being committed.

What is Folderscope used for?

Folderscope is a general-purpose folder and disk management tool. Some common tasks are...
  • Get a quick and complete overview of the hierachical structure and content of a new folder you have received.
  • Find the most recently modified files anywhere in a folder hierarchy of documents.
  • Find the files and folders taking up the most space on your hard drive, and move them to a different drive.
  • Find duplicate files (files with identical content) in your documents folder and delete them.
  • Reliably copy the entire content of one external hard drive to another.
  • Backup the files from your main hard drive to an external drive.
  • Search for files of a paticular name (or partial path) quickly in a big hierarchy of files.
  • Extract files of a particular type (for example image files) out of a hierarchy and move them to a different root folder.
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