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Downloads [Download Windows 2000 Pro Boot Disk]
File Name: Windows 2000 Pro Boot Disk (32.4 KB) Download
Author: Unknown (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 02-05-2006
Downloads: 1707
Grade: A+
Windows 2000 Pro Boot Disk
Downloads [Download Windows 2000 Pro Boot Disk]

11-08-2006 at 03:24 PM
I have been unable to make a start up disk for Windows 2000 pro. Any suggestions???
bent hammer
11-30-2006 at 10:34 PM
HELLP! How do i get this to work??? I have unzipped it, and then opened the file. It tells me that it is going to create 4 boot disk, and asks which drive. I enter A, then nothing??? What am i doing wrong? Thanks
bent hammer
12-06-2006 at 08:06 PM
Hi Loreena, seems that this is not a boot disk, but rather a disk to help you make a boot disk from a computer running this version of windows. If you can't get your computer to run, you cant get it to make a boot disk. Good Luck.
03-29-2007 at 11:14 PM
I have tried for about 3 weeks now to find a download for windows 2000 pro boot cd so far all of the ones that I have only loads onto floppy 3.5's which I have no a: drive. Even the make boot cd that I have downloaded do not work for it downloads an .iso files which does absolutely nothing. does any one out there use Windows 2000 Pro that could possibly make from there system and send to me.

Thanks John
03-29-2007 at 11:14 PM
I have tried for about 3 weeks now to find a download for windows 2000 pro boot cd so far all of the ones that I have only loads onto floppy 3.5's which I have no a: drive. Even the make boot cd that I have downloaded do not work for it downloads an .iso files which does absolutely nothing. does any one out there use Windows 2000 Pro that could possibly make from there system and send to me.

Thanks John

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