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grungesabin 11-12-2008 04:31 AM

double click doesn't work
i am using windows XP, i couldnot open drives(c,d,e,etc) by double clicking on it. when i double click on it i get a dialog box 'open with' ,i have to right click on it and click on open/explore to open the drive. my guess is that happened due to some virus, am i right if yes how do i get rid of that virus so that i can open drives by double clicking on it.

lurkswithin 11-12-2008 07:31 AM


I am not trying to be hateful or anything...But your best bet is to reinstall a clean version of windows on that computer. You have way too many issues and I and others should not have to waste all our time in trying to help solve all these issues when they could be fixed with a simple format and clean installation.

In other posts, you have stated that you can't boot into safe mode to run the anti virus programs and then you change that thread to other virus issues. Enough is enough....reformat and do a clean installation of the operating system...
If you lose valuable information then you need to accept it that you have failed in providing a back up to your system and learn by your mistakes...which in an other post it is because you keep using pen drives with viruses installed..stop using the pen drives

The number one protection against any thing downloaded or installed on your computer is YOU . Learn by your mistakes and move on.

grungesabin 11-12-2008 08:00 AM

thankx for all ur tiime and responses u guys have given to my questions. i can understand ur out brust but we all face tiny tiny issues everyday while using computer n i want to learn from those issues thats all. thats the only reason i kept posting my issues here and i must admit this is the best site i have ever browsed to learn so far. i can format my computer its not about loosing any data but i feel thats not only solution....anyways u guys have been great and i hope u guys will continue to be same especially lurkswithin..... thankx..:)

squirrelnmoose 11-12-2008 05:17 PM

I have to agree with lurkswithin. You are having too many issues to try and figure out. Also not all virus's can be removed. Some change system files that can not be changed back.
Most virus's goal is not to be annnoying but to use your computer. Either to send itself out to others and/or use your computer silently to attack others and/or to gather your passwords and logins or personal information. So each day you are trying to fix it, is another day it's being used against someone.

Good luck and be careful what you download from the internet or open in emails.

lurkswithin 11-13-2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by grungesabin (Post 13084)
thankx for all ur tiime and responses u guys have given to my questions. i can understand ur out brust but we all face tiny tiny issues everyday while using computer n i want to learn from those issues thats all. thats the only reason i kept posting my issues here and i must admit this is the best site i have ever browsed to learn so far. i can format my computer its not about loosing any data but i feel thats not only solution....anyways u guys have been great and i hope u guys will continue to be same especially lurkswithin..... thankx..:)

We all have to start somewhere for learning anything. I admire a person that admits that he is trying to learn rather than trying to feed us a lot of junk about what they know....

I have no problems with helping you on trying to learn something....the problems arise when a person has a lot of issues caused by a virus or a conglomerate of them. Issues created by viruses are not normal happenings and do not represent the problems that develop from day to day usage of a computer. That which is specifically caused by a virus are purposely caused to migrate a chain of events...all of which are designed to either happen all at once or designed to happen on a "what if" scenario....a typical action > reaction.

Trying to learn from this type of thing is something that only experts would wish to do to prove a theory or just to see the chain reaction. and as such really don't add to anyones knowledge of using (repairing ) computers...

I don't like to tell people to reformat and reinstall their operating system...It is not the proper thing to do...Sometimes though it is the best and cheapest way to get back in a working condition...and that is what help sites like syschat are here help a person to get his computer back into working order as fast and as cheaply as can be done.

grungesabin 11-13-2008 11:27 PM

once again thankx a lot to everyone who posted responses to my post. you guys devoted a lot of time for me i really Appreciate that but noone answered my post (double click). i guess i can fix that problem through registry. i accept the fact that i m not a pro in using registry but believe me i m no mug either... so what shuld i do to open my drives by double clicking onit....

squirrelnmoose 11-14-2008 12:15 AM

You don't need your mouse at all. All commands can be done with the keyboard.

If it's just selecting something then open, or run it. use the TAB key to highlight the item, then ENTER to open/run it.

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

squirrelnmoose 11-14-2008 12:29 AM

There are many possible answers for this.
cannot double click - Google Search

This one sounds like what you are seeing.
I cannot double-click or right-click items in my computer/control panel - Tech Support Forum

lurkswithin 11-14-2008 07:33 AM

I Got this off the web a while back and lost the link to it! But I think this will explain a bit to you as well about these flash viruses and the failure of double clicking.... The tool link was bad and I relocated the file for you in the new link. I hope it works but be aware that some anti-virus programs have multiple false positives from this tool

I haven’t had a chance to meet this virus myself for long time since I heard this symptom happened to my mom’s computer and you know what? I thought it’s a registry broken. I had tried to edit my mom’s registry but no luck. I couldn’t do anything other than this though because I didn’t see it myself. However, the time is come. First I saw this symptom is like some programs override the default shell of Drive. What happen is you have to right–click on drive, just to open it. And you will see Auto-bold to show that’s default of double click action. As you know, it’s just like nothing happen; nonetheless, the virus is activated and spreads into your computer. This virus, aka “flashy” family, use flash or external drives as medium to spread. However, it doesn’t effect other tasks at all, as I know–pls correct me if I’m wrong.

The tool I found is pretty easy to use, just double click and wait. You may find that seems like your computer almost freeze, but don’t worry it’s not. When everything turns to normal, your computer is good to go.

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