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DustinLyle 08-16-2008 01:33 PM

Does not recognize any SATA HDD?
There is a little more to the story than the title suggests, of course. I have an old IDE drive from an old computer, about 8 years old. This drive contains some data that i want to get. I put this old IDE drive into my new computer, plugging it into the slave location along the ribbon cable. When i restarted the computer tried to boot off of the drive that i had just put in instead of the main sata drive that is in the computer. It also didnt recognize the main SATA drive, only the IDE drive in bios when i tried to set it to boot off of the original sata drive. At this point i was ready to give up. I took the IDE drive out and restarted in the configuration that i had before i started any of this. The computer now does NOT recognize my SATA hard drive. THe only drive that it recognizes is the CD drive. Cant use it to boot with the system disks though because the bios doesnt recognize any hard drive.
I did notice after the fact that the jumpers on the ide drive are set for master/single-ON slave-OFF. This is opposite of what i think i needed. Did the ide drive change my settings somehow?
I tried turning off IDE auto detect and just leave SATA auto detect on in bios. All that accomplished was the computer not only not recognizing the hard drive, but also not recognizing the cd drive. Turned ide detect back on and it recognizes the cd drive again, but still no hard drive.
Windows XP home, amd athalon 3500+ processor, SATA drive is seagate 250 GB, old IDE drive is an 8 year old maxor model #5209h4.
Any Help?

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