Okay as far as scripting goes, you (or your friends rather) are on your own. However it is possible to 'renew' your IP address after you flush the DNS server...
I'm a little hesitant to tell you about this because what if the person your friends are voting for isn't that good (beautiful I mean)... and she is going to win only be cheating

lol no just kidding...
Okay so here's what you can do if you want to cheat:
1. Open up the ever handy cmd.exe (for those who don't know that would be Start> Run > cmd.exe and the black window that you would see would be the dos prompt window...)
2. Not type in
3. Press enter
4. Type in
5. Press enter
6. Type in
7. Press enter
8. Type in
9. Press enter
Now just clear your cookies again, and you (or your friends) should be able to vote!