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azmat.syed2000 11-06-2008 07:30 AM

display problem
Dear friends

I'm using mercury 845 motherboard when start the system display is not coming after that i removed the RAM there was no beep sound and also removed the processor.Then i checke the RAM and Processor with another same system they have been working fine .....what is the solution to solve this problem............


lurkswithin 11-06-2008 10:57 AM

Is it an onboard video? and does it have an AGP or PCIe slot for a upgrade video card.

If that is the case, then enter the BIOS (set up) and make sure that the correct bus is enabled for the graphics.....will be the following options:
Graphics controller or close to this as each mobo uses a different wording!

ON Board or PCI

You are using on-board graphics then the correct selection has to be On-Board or PCI

if it is enabled for something else then your graphics will not work.

dream_hunt 11-07-2008 03:36 PM

Troubleshooting Display
I always prefer to keep things simple. Try these step by step:
1. Check whether power to the SMPS?
2*. Check whether SMPS is working or not?
3. Check the power connectors from SMPS connected to the motherboard properly?
After trying these if problem exists contact me personally.
Waiting for ur feedback.

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