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talk2ayokunle 01-17-2008 07:13 AM

Disk error
Good day friends,
A system in my office network has developed a fault.When booted the system shows;a disk error has occurred,press ctrl+alt+delete to restart,but when restarted it still gives the same error.Please i need help urgently.Thanks.

squirrelnmoose 01-17-2008 01:58 PM

Lots of things can give you a generic eror like this. Most likely it's a bad or corrupted hard drive.
You can try - reinstall operating system, but you will lose your data.
-try a recovery program, I always recommend GRCÂ*|Â*SpinRite 5.0 to 6.0Â*Â*
-If you have Vista or XP you can try to repair the boot sector. Vista has a repair button, XP - search google for fixmbr and fixboot for instructions.
-Put the drive in another system and try to read and copy your data from that sytems OS

There are a few options assuming it's a hard drive issue, not a cable or other hardware issue.

talk2ayokunle 01-18-2008 07:40 AM

I appreciate your reply.I will follow your advice and let you know the outcome later.:happy:

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