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loraandbush 05-23-2008 03:08 AM

difference between a proxy server and a normal server
What is difference between a proxy server and a normal server

lurkswithin 05-23-2008 03:22 AM

A proxy server tries to (sometimes succeeds) hide who/what/where you are !

The truth of the matter is that with the right programs you can still be discovered or traced back to your IP address for identification!

loraandbush 05-23-2008 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 11058)
A proxy server tries to (sometimes succeeds) hide who/what/where you are !

The truth of the matter is that with the right programs you can still be discovered or traced back to your IP address for identification!


I did not understand , what is basic the functionality of proxy server

squirrelnmoose 05-23-2008 10:54 AM

A proxy server basically forwards your request on your behalf, for a webpage, file or whatever, to the server that holds the information you requested.
So it goes from you to the proxy to the requested server, instead from you directly to the requested server.
A lot of ISP's use proxy servers to cache common requested files.

Proxy server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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