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mabellitazz 05-24-2007 04:08 AM

Cleaning the Outsides of your Computer
How many years are you using your personal computer? For sure you have constantly done all the cleaning internally from disk defragmenter, use of anti-virus softwares and a lot more just to make sure it runs faster and smoother. But have you given a thought of the last time your cleaned your personal computers externally?

Think again but your monitors, CPU, keyboard, mouse and other devices deserve some cleaning also. Just imagine the dirt it has acquired over the years so here I will provide tips to get you started in cleaning your personal computers

Tip Number 1: Shut down first your computer never clean while it is on. Remember to unplug and disconnect all the connections from the CPU and to the monitor. These are the power cords, cables and modem wires that connects one hardware from another. You don't want to get your plugs
damaged by the liquids that you will use.

Tip Number 2: Put your hardware on a stable place where in you can wipe it properly.

Tip Number 3: Starting with the monitor use a clean cloth and spray it wild a mild soap solution. Never use an ammonia based liquid since it will cause static. Just wipe the screen and make sure to wipe off the dust as well.

Tip Number 4: For cleaning the CPU use a small computer vacuum if available to effectively remove dust. However if you do not have one, simply wipe if off and by opening the CD drive you can gently blow air in it to remove unwanted dust. Take note if you're gonna open your CPU to clean inner parts make sure not to forget to place the screws in a secure place.

Tip Number 5: This next hardware is very important to clean. Keyboard may generate bacteria than the rest since your hands are always in it and sometimes if you share your computer to other users. To clean it gently flip the keyboard over to remove dust and dirt that may go in betweens tabs. Then using a the soap solution spray it into the cloth never directly on the hardware and wipe starting from the sides. Use a cotton swabs for the letters and to clean the tidy spaces in between tabs. Give special attention to space bar and enter keys since these are most frequently used.

Tip Number 6: Next important thing to clean is your mouse. Using the damp cloth again clean the outside first then flip it over and rotate the circular plastic plate to remove the mouse ball. Inside the mouse you will see a rotating arm which collects the dust accumulated by the track ball. You can use a toothpick to get rid of those while using the damp cloth you can simply wipe off the track ball. Don't forget to place it back again properly. For the mouse pad just use a toothbrush to dust it off.

There you have it folks the basic things you need to know in cleaning the outsides of your computer. Never forget to do this once in a while the same thing that you would take care the internals of your personal computer.

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