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aforou 03-01-2007 10:35 AM

cd/dvdw drive does not recognize dl media
hello everyone, I have a problem with a tsstcorp cd/dvdw ts-l532l
it does not recongnize my previously recorded on DVD+R DL media.
It does recognize all other media and based on the drive specs, it should have no problems reading or writing to this media... I thought maybe by putting roxio onto this computer I might have messed up something but I have tried to remove software reinstall other softwares... and nothing has helped... there are no error messages with the unit
any ideas?
ps. OS is windows XP

Cobalt 03-01-2007 06:22 PM

Did you burn the disc using this drive previously or was it made on another machine?

It is possible that the data is corrupt, though this is becomming less and less common. Check the disc and if possible try it in another machine to see whether or not the disc can be read. If it is unreadable on another machine, then it is possible the data has been burnt incorrectly, though if it does work, then your drive doesn't currently support the format. This may be remedied by updating the drives firmware.

Is there a particular error, or does it simply not know that a disc is present?

aforou 03-03-2007 07:47 PM

CD/DVD Hard Drives and Memory
thanks for your reply, the dl dvd+R DL was burned by my other laptop and they work just fine so I know it is not a matter of corrupted data...
It has to be something with this drive though the manufacturer's site claims that this drive supports pretty much all media read and burn
PS no error messages either...

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