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benjamingreggsmith 02-27-2009 12:06 PM

CD Dilema
I have got a CD collection of Data cds with my files on. They are stored on a rack with a number under each and due to the layout it is impossible to see the label of the cd so I have to pull out and check 80+ cds to get to one file. Does anyone know a free program that could register the content of the cd with a cd number so I could search for it on the program and the program would tell me which CD i need?

Any help would be greately appreciated.

ggabriel 03-01-2009 04:06 AM

something like this ??
Autorun any document (DOC,HTML,PDF,PPT,etc) or program on your CD with 1st AutoRun Express

benjamingreggsmith 03-01-2009 09:13 AM

No, not really but thanks for the reply. Im looking for an index kind of program where I type in a file name and it tells me which CD number to use.

squirrelnmoose 03-01-2009 03:10 PM

You could try this one. I don't know anything about it but looks like may work for you. Blue Mirror CD/DVD Indexer: Blue Mirror CD/DVD Indexer

benjamingreggsmith 03-02-2009 03:56 AM

thanx squirelmoose thats just what i wanted

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