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TMCDONAL 08-27-2008 08:52 AM

Can't install Word 2007 trial.
I have been trying to install Word on my computer and I keep running into a snag. About halfway through the install I get a pop-up message "Error 1406.Setup cannot write the value to the registry key\CLSID\{F0291081-E87C-4E07-97DA-A0A03761E586}. I have gone to the registry using regedit but so far nothing I've trided attempting to get sufficient permissions has solved my problem. I tried the Microsoft instructions from their support Web site (they don't even specifically list Vista, XP is as new as they go ???) and that didn't work. I certainly don't know enough about THE REGISTRY (shiver....shake) to do much else so I really hope someone (I have no lack of faith HERE) can help.
In trouble as usual,

lurkswithin 08-27-2008 02:33 PM

Trying to install Microsoft word 2007? You cannot install Word by itself...It must be accompanied with the rest of the office 2007 programs or use the virtual program at

Also that error code sometimes reflects that
1) you must be in admin user to install the program

2) there is a third party program blocking the writing to the registry key...probably a security suite program or anti virus program...

Check out these answers from Microsoft:

You receive an error message when you install an Office program or open an Office program or document

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