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Nitram 09-01-2011 10:02 PM

Cannot detect wireless networks
I am running Windows 7, SVP1 and over about 5 days slowly lost my wireless connection. (example: clicking a link would disable the network, but it would reconnect in a matter of seconds.) Finally there was no connection.

In Device Manager the wireless card reported that it was working correctly. I downloaded and installed the most recent driver.

If I go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Manage Wireless Networks and try to Add a network then I get a dialog that says "An error has occurred".

I purchased a new USB Wireless Adapter and although the installation completed successfully, its behavior is exactly the same as the internal card. Device Manager says it is working correctly but I cannot detect the network or add a new one. (BTW, the network is working just fine with other computers, printers and iphone.) I am currently connected with a wired LAN connection.

So I am stumped. If any one has a suggestion as to what to try next I would appreciate hearing from you. Incidentally, the network has worked just fine for the 15 months I have had this computer.

Many thanks,


DominicD 09-03-2011 01:20 PM

hi Nitram,

these are what i can think of

Its usually rare that something changes in the power management settings of your computer, but maybe check and switch some options and see if it restores the correct function of the wireless.

above is the default lan adapter setting. i think the wireless adpaters would have additional values for power output and channel.

you normally dont have to bother with the default settings, but maybe for your problem, try unchecking all three options (you wont need them anyway). you can always revert back to the default settings later.

just a thought, set the power output to maximum, and the channel setting to G only. also, set your wireless router to "G" only type of wireless broadcast.


you might have already checked on this, but make sure the FN + Fx key on your laptop keyboard works fine.

uninstall, reboot, and install latest wireless lan adapter drivers?
if your wireless adapter has a wifi management program, maybe try using it instead of windows.

as for the persistent problem with even the USB wifi, i would suggest checking it too with the power mangement settings.


while its not common to see virus/worms that might have direct effect on your network connection, do a virus scan too in safe mode.

good luck on this, feel free to let us know if you have updates :)

Nitram 09-03-2011 05:35 PM

Many thanks DominicD. Unfortunately none of those suggestions fixed the problem.

I beginning to think it is an OS problem, given that an error only shows when I try to add a wireless network (Control Panel\Network and Internet\Manage Wireless Networks\Add then I get a dialog that says "An error has occurred"


DominicD 09-03-2011 11:35 PM

hi Nitram

indeed, it seems like an OS issue.

things i could think of:

1. Check the last program/ setting/ windows update that might have changed your wireless network configuration.

2. A system restore to the date before the problems occurred is hopefully going to be effective

3. While this is unusual, maybe check that the builtin wireless lan adapter is enabled in the BIOS

4. Check that the WLAN auto config service is not disabled.

Click the Windows Start button
Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Services
My desktop is running Windows 7, but it does not have a wireless card. The default setting of the service is set to Manual.

Ive yet to check the default settings on a machine with a wireless card, but do check on yours to see that it is not set to Disabled

Nitram 09-04-2011 01:47 PM

Thanks again for your suggestions. But the problem still exists.

One ray of hope; Belkin (whose USB adapter I bought thinking my internal one was fried) has just raised me to Level 3 Tech Support! They seem determined to help even though they agree it seems to be an OS problem.


Nitram 09-12-2011 05:13 PM

Well, it definitely is an OS problem. I created a new partition and a fresh install of Windows Home Premium. Wireless networks were detected on the initial install and all through the updates. So it would appear to not be a problem with a Windows update.

Nothing I try on the "bad" installation suggest any corruption or missing files. That includes chkdsk and File System Check (fsc). Virus scans come up clean.

If anyone can suggest something else to try I would be very grateful. The thought of reinstalling everything (it's a VB and SQL development machine) makes my head spin.


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