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tmoore 11-05-2008 09:07 PM

cannot delete shortcut (VISTA - .lnk file)
I recently moved some files from my laptop to an external drive, and subsequently deleted the files from my laptop.

I did a start menu search, and blank shortcuts to the files I moved and deleted show up in the search. When I try to delete the files I get a "Item not found" error. When I right click and Open File Location, it opens an empty folder (C:\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent).

I have tried simply clearing my recent items list, that does clear the recent items, but the blank shortcuts still show up when I do a search.

I have tried everything I can think of, please help!

squirrelnmoose 11-06-2008 01:09 AM

It is showing because the search feature in Vista has indexed the files and has not updated.
Here a good how to on rebuilding the search index.

How To Rebuild The Search Index In Windows Vista | AddictiveTips

tmoore 11-06-2008 12:35 PM

squirrelnmoose you are awesome!! Thank you very much, your solution worked perfectly.

squirrelnmoose 11-06-2008 02:28 PM

No problem, thanks for posting letting everyone know it worked for you.

loninfinity 11-26-2008 03:02 AM

it doesn't work for me
i tried exactly what the website said but it didn't work.:sconfused: :confused: :mad: :smash: i want to remove a shortcut which the target has been deleted.
i use windows vista on a dell inspiron 6400 with intel centrino duo

squirrelnmoose 11-26-2008 03:08 AM

If it's just a shortcut to a program, like on your desktop, you should be able to just right click on it and choose delete.

The reference above pertains to links showing up in a search result for files which are no longer on the PC but the search index hasn't updated to reflect the change.

If you can't, what error is it giving you and what is the shortcut for.

controlhistory 08-17-2009 05:42 AM

My company has created a product that could solve this problem. Our software, ControlHistory allows you to selectively or completely delete your history. You can download it from ControlHistory :: Home. It supports
IE (ver. 6+)
Firefox (ver. 3+)
Chrome (ver. 1+)
Google Desktop Search
Many programs like MS Word, Excel, Acrobat Reader, WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. that save their history in the Registry.

You can use the software for free to view your history but to be able to delete it you need a license. The cost of a license is USD 0.99 (99 cents).

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