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Kamesh 12-14-2005 02:23 PM

can network be framed with Bluetooth???
my desktop pc connects to internet via cable internet.. I want to connect internet from my laptop , too.

If I use 2 bluetooths that is 30-40 meter and
I plug one of them to desktop and one of them to laptop, can I have a network to share file and internet connection ?

can it be done with the program BlueSoleil?
what about performance ?

outofbreath 03-28-2006 09:10 AM

Not familiar with that particular program but in theory it should be doable.

Can Bluetooth really go 40meters though?

sigs 04-17-2006 03:47 PM

hey, the range of my bluetooth is around 10 metres. how does your blue tooth manage to work at the range 40 metres. if it really does then its great.

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