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eugeno2 03-15-2007 10:58 AM

c++ runtime library
a buffer overrun has corrupted the internal stutus and computer must now be terminated

William_Wilson 03-15-2007 11:25 AM

what is the question? I assume this is an error you are recieving?
when do you see this?
what OS are you using?

some details would help us solve the problem.

eugeno2 03-15-2007 01:22 PM

c++ overrun
computer removes desktop when ok is pressed and restore can not be done.
the desktop returns with the same error message and computer must run with the message ibtact

William_Wilson 03-15-2007 01:31 PM

As far as how it is caused, i won't get into, it's a complicated situation, and if you are not a programmer it would be lost anyway. As for fixing it, that is a tricky matter, it could be a corrupted file or something much less/more serious going on in the OS.
Windows is written in C/C++ so an error in it's libraries is not uncommon.

Are you using Windows XP Pro?
Does this happen when you log in, or when you run a specific program?
Does the error describe which library is creating the buffer overrun?

eugeno2 03-16-2007 11:43 AM

c++ over run
i m using xp pro happens at log in and loaded.
computer is usable but always has the warning on deskttop
more soecific in my profile

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