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Old 08-13-2008, 03:57 PM
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rdavis1989 is on a distinguished road


I recently had comcast set up my internet for me using my other computer as the main computer. I have another computer setup in a different room and it wasnt able to find the network, so I figured I might as well just reformat and start from scratch with everything, havn't done it in a few months anyways. I put my windows xp home disc in my computer and restarted it and booted from the cd, it went through the beginning screens fine, and I was able to select my HD that I wanted to format NTFS. I chose the NTFS install option (not the NTFS quick). It went through everything fine, and it restarted my computer. Once my computer started back up it got to the screen where it starts installing windows itself. A load bar never showed up on the bottom of my screen like I thought was supposed to happen, the time remaining never changed from 39 minutes. I let the computer sit for about 10 minutes, and all of the sudden I get the BSoD which says "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" followed by a page full of other mumbo jumbo I cannot understand.

I went online and read a few forums saying that people that got a similar BSoD tried to reinstall windows again and it worked, so i did just that. I went back through all the steps, chose the same install options, and the same exact thing happened. By this time I was getting a little angry that I couldn't get on my gaming computer and I was stuck on my office computer with windows vista. I figured I would give it one more shot, so this time I chose the NTFS quick install option, hoping, maybe.. But, not to my suprise, the same thing happened. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I have tried putting a new stick of 1gb ram in, and moving it to different slots because I thought that was what caused most BSoD, but no luck. I have went through my computer and checked all the IDE cables and whatnot making sure they were properly seated, and making sure the video card and RAM were all the way in the MOBO. I would really appreciate any help with this, it would be amazing to be able to use my fast computer once again. This office computer with vista is too slow for my gaming needs :P

Thanks very much for reading and helping.


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Old 08-13-2008, 05:14 PM
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I suggest you go here, and follow what the Eldergeek recommends doing in these situations.

Ignore the Click here to run a FREE system scan it has nothing to do fixing your problem...

Bare Bones Troubleshooting Installation


Wombat's: Bulldozers of the bush...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2008, 02:15 AM
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That is the key to a trouble free installation!


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