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messiahnet 01-05-2007 09:45 PM

bittorrent can eat it, i need help
To start off, I have limited my bittorrent uploads to 1KB/s, so I don't think it can be that my upload bandwidth is choked. Basically, whenever I have my bittorrent client open, my internet browsing is SO SLOW. Even when I am downloading nothing, it's slow. Even when I am seeding nothing, it's slow. And as soon as I quit my client, browsing is back to it's fast, normal self. I have experienced this same behavior on 3 DIFFERENT computers using 3 DIFFERENT ISPs (one Time Warner cable, one with another cable service, one with Sprint aDSL). Each location has a different router and all of these computers have the proper ports manually forwarded to them by their routers (the client even confirms this). I have tried 3 different clients (Bittorrent, uTorrent, and Azureus). This behavior seems to occur reguardless of any of the factors considered above. Any help??????????

Note: Downloading non-torrent files doesn't really seem to be affected at all by the running Bittorrent client(s). I can still download from and such sites, but it takes FOREVER to navigate the site(s) just to get to the download link.

William_Wilson 01-05-2007 10:49 PM

these programs for the most part use a lot of resources, even when they are idle. Check under task manager the amount of cpu they are using and the memory. If these numbers get too high, it doesn't matter how fast you can download the information, if your computer cannot interpret it fast enough.
If you must use torrents (i do not condone this) you should find a better client.

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