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digdeep 09-19-2007 04:06 PM

Biggg Problem with RAM
I have 2x 512 ram ddr400
yesterday i overclocked my CPU from 1800 to 2000(not much),but than
my rams ddr fall down from 400mhz to 333mhz.
I than reset Bios default but resoult is the same,still 333 mhz.
What should I do?Please help!

pm:I tried to set the ram ddr (in Bios) back to 200,than i saved it,but
nothing happened it is still at 166 (x2=333) My BIOS is *censored*
I can overclock cpu but not the ram.

William_Wilson 09-19-2007 09:02 PM

please do not swear in the forums.

you will need to tell us your motherboard company and model# as it seems like it may only support speeds on 333MHz. Overclocking RAM is not advised, this is brute force attempt, which simply supplies more power to the RAM. Processors are a different story as they are built to go faster than they are sold at, and the L1 bridges are cut or other forms of limiting are implemented. This does allow for some stable increase.

Also what company and version is your BIOS?

digdeep 09-20-2007 02:37 AM

sorry for swearing-im new!(neva eva)

Ok My mobo is Asus K8U-X and it support the 400mhz.
One more thing:When I put one RAM into slot it works at 400,problem is when i put two-then it falls down to 333mhz.
Im running with only one RAM since yesterday,maybe something will change when I put the oder-(i dont know how to spell that) one.

squirrelnmoose 09-21-2007 03:13 AM

Could be a couple of issues.
If your RAM sticks are not identicle some boards will have problems.
Or one of the two could be defective and the system will only run as fast as the slowest RAM installed.
Too see if one of the RAM sticks or slots are bad, set the BIOS to default, boot system with only one RAM stick in slot 1, then move it to slot 2, repeat with second RAM stick. If they both run at 400mhz in both slots, then for some reason the sticks are not compatible.

digdeep 09-21-2007 06:17 AM

they both run at 400mhz in both slots.

Is there anything else i can do?

(the new RAM is pqi 400 and its says that is not supported in my user guide for ASUS mobo K8U-X.)

I think i should change it for the supported one.

I hope that will solve my problem.:confused:

mhookem 09-21-2007 05:37 PM

Incompatible memory
Hello Digdeep, I have the same board and if I'm right your memory sticks are PC4000 turbo memory and you'll need to replace them with PC3200 to run correctly at 400Mhz.



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