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Optimit 12-09-2005 05:32 PM

I have a BFG 6800 gtoc. I would recommend this card to anhyone. It is a PCI Express card, and it totally rocks!

Muhammad Haris 12-10-2005 01:11 AM

Thanks for the recommendation!

slick4788 12-11-2005 06:02 AM

thanks for the recomendation, I will keep that in mind. By the way, mind telling us some more specs such as the memory on it. Also which modern games run smooth with the vid card?

Optimit 12-11-2005 07:51 PM

It has 256 of DDR2 and I use it on Battlefield 2, and it runs very smooth, even with settings on high.

MrCodeDude 12-17-2005 04:07 AM

Yes, but how does it compare to the X800 GTO2? Assuming you unlock the 16 pipe-lines and get the core and memory clocks up to X850XT speeds?

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