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rdart12 05-27-2011 08:29 AM

Best solution to overcome from Exchange Server corruption
The whole co-ordination & controlling of work progress is depended on Exchange Server environment. But the corruption issues like: Exchange Server crashes or break down & server failure in this vast email collaboration structure are quite frequent.

Due to this, the important information of all user mailboxes gets badly affected & some faulty error messages may pop up while synchronization process. At that time, you experience some of these problems:

• Problems in MS Exchange Server Information Store service process.
• You cannot stop the information store.
• The information store stops responding while the CPU usage level remains at 100 percent.
• You are unable to receive or send email messages.
• Running Information Store Integrity utility (Isinteg), gives you Error 4294966746: JET_errDatabaseInconsistent.

To solve out aforementioned situations,

• Try “Eseutil.exe” command-line tool & verify the consistency of the information store databases
• Then delete all .log & .chk files in the ExchSrvr\Mdbdata folder on the server.
• After that check & confirm the Microsoft Exchange information Store service process, if it successfully starts, then stop it & defragment your repair database.
• Now use "Isinteg.exe" command tool to repair "Pub.edb" & "Priv.edb" which stores all the information in Exchange Server.

If the problem still persists, then you need to use the third party Exchange to Outlook software which will convert all EDB user mailboxes into another email client application (MS Outlook). That’s why Recover Data specially devised EDB to PST software which helps to convert inaccessible EDB database into PST format.

This Exchange to Outlook software is a standalone tool which sort-out the difficulties of EDB file & allow you to convert your multiple EDB data into a fresh & healthy PST file. You can able to get back up to 15 GB EDB database data & convert EDB to PST by following step by step guidelines.
For more information about this product, go through our website: Exchange to Outlook Conversion Software. Convert EDB to PST - Exchange Recovery Tool

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