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sufi 01-01-2006 09:05 AM

Best LAN Games
Me and My friends play games on LAN daily, so far we've been playing Counter Strike and Stronghold Crusader only. But now we want something new. Please recommend us few games especially made for LAN.

CMan 01-01-2006 01:02 PM

I have played Half Life 2 Deathmatch at a bunch of LANs, its pretty fun, the graphics are really clear and smooth. Also, the gameplay is hella fun.


khuldun 01-10-2006 02:50 AM

The best LAN games are CS and MOHAA, the rest is all worthless crap! :D

Xombie 01-10-2006 08:10 PM

I know I will be shot on site for suggesting this.. but for a fun old school romp with a bunch of buddies, try Quake III. It's cheap and you can overclock it to the extreme.

redz 01-13-2006 03:50 PM

counter strike is one of the best lan games, while visiting computer cafe's i have played it for 3 years and it still did not die, but now because of steam some internet cafes did not want to update their counterstrike and most older cafe's are stuck with old counterstrike games and older pc's so now they would have to spend money to get everything up. Instead now everyone plays like maplestory :).

aniar 01-16-2006 08:32 PM

CS nuff said

bongo 01-18-2006 01:44 PM

well..obviously it has to be CS..all ppl are playin it..haha

Sabre 01-18-2006 02:05 PM

Either Quake 3 Arena - Excellent FPS or StarCraft (my personal favourite online game)

CS is okay, but it can get easily boring, and as someone said, like EVERYONE plays it =/

zCon 02-15-2006 03:05 PM

Wolfenstein Enemey Territory is pretty fun. It's realistic in a WW II setting, a nice change sometimes from the regular shooting games. It's completely free, released by ID software, you can find it on most sites like fileshack and fileplanet. It's Internet multiplayer only I beleive, but most LANs these days are also connected to the internet. I would also recommend Warcraft 3.

Knightmare 02-23-2006 01:06 PM

If you like strategy games, Age of Empires or Civilization are amazing games to play with your friends.

rndm 03-24-2006 01:07 PM

Sorry, have to bring CS in again...BF2 is fun with bots on LAN too (there's a work around for that :P)

It does depend how many friends you have playing though, because shooters will tend to get boring pretty quickly if there's only 2 of you....wheras a strategy (try AOE3) will be a good game whether or not there are 6 or 7 crazy mates around you :D

I still prefer playing online with friends, you can team up and thrash someone that you don't even know! (Sorry)

outofbreath 03-29-2006 09:57 AM

CS remains classic for LAN play because of well balanced game-play.

Same can be said for that other even older standby Starcraft.

Many of the newer games try to get fancy and that doesn't lend well to LAN play.

SpongeStone 05-09-2007 04:04 PM

I prefer to play CS 1.6 on LAN partys.

Games like AoE are always becomming boring to me, i don't have fun with those strategy games. (maybe because of im to stupid for those games xS)

Keep gaming!

Regards of the sponge

shaun 12-12-2007 04:43 AM

FIFA will be good
hey sufi nice meeting you.i usually play counter strike that kind of games .i heard fifa2008 is very good in lan gamse.why dont you try that.dorry i cant say any suggestions right now because i havent play that.ok

MagusZeto 10-20-2008 08:59 PM

What it all comes down to at a lan is speed. Our lans usually end up including starcraft, but only about one game because it takes too long. With this in mind, I bring you two perfect lan games, crazily high speed and not to difficult to learn... if you're not a moron. For the RTS genre, there is really only one thing I can suggest: Emperor: Battle for Dune. It's incredible speed ensures that within 5 minutes of your first game's start, one player will have been annihilated. Very balanced, but very fast gameplay. For the FPS genre, I give you a free game: Warsow. It is without a doubt the fastest fps there is. It's cell shaded graphics always look very clean, if not amazing, and the space-pun style is quite interesting. But Warsow's main draw is the speed: while you may walk at a slower speed by default than quake or unreal, it is highly unlikely you will be walking: bunny hopping, strafe jumping, rocket jumping, and plasma climbing are the staples of the game. It's not many games in which you see two people moving in opposite directions at 3x walking speed have a midair no-scope sniping firefight. Definitely a valuable addition to your lan games; if you can handle it.

robatcook1987 01-16-2011 11:28 PM

Really I am whole time working on the LAN and playing networking game. I very much like to play all that game.
Here some my favourite networking game form my list.
Battlefield: 1942
Battlefield: Vietnam
Battlezone 2
Baulder's Gate
Baulder's Gate 2
Blood 2
Call of Duty
Capture the Flag

Really all are very interesting to play. I will give advice to play it.

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