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naeem1 02-25-2008 03:16 AM

Audio Problem
1 Attachment(s)

I used some registry mechanic software to clean my pc.
Later, I noticed my sound device missing from my system.
I opened the PC and found the hardware (sound device) in the proper position of the motherboard.

Pls find the attached picture that shows NO Audio Device.

Hope you can help me to get back my PC sound.

Thanks and regards,


Wombat 02-25-2008 03:34 AM

Reinstall the audio device drivers from the motherboard cd.

Or if it is a pci sound card reinstall the drivers from the manufactures website.

Do not use registry cleaners if you are not sure of what you are doing / or what's going to happen...

naeem1 02-25-2008 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 9968)
Reinstall the audio device drivers from the motherboard cd.

Or if it is a pci sound card reinstall the drivers from the manufactures website.

Do not use registry cleaners if you are not sure of what you are doing / or what's going to happen...


Thanks a lot quick response.

pls excuse me that I am not well in the hard-ware.
what is PCI sound Card? how its different from other sound cards?
the sound device in my pc looks like a small cube box.

How i can find the manufacturer name of the sound card since nothing mentioned in the device.

Your reply would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


Wombat 02-25-2008 04:05 AM

From what you describe you have onboard sound, which means the sound chip is built into the motherboard. If you have the motherboard cd it will be on that.

Also what we need is the make of the computer, like Dell, HP etc. to get the link for the driver if needed...

lurkswithin 02-25-2008 04:06 AM

The meaning of PCI sound card is simply a sound card installed in a PCI socket on your motherboard. What wombat means is simply does your motherboard use built in sound card or is it an add-on card mounted to a PCI slot on your motherboard.

If it is a built in sound device then the sound drivers can be located on a CD that contains other drivers for your motherboard...

If it is an add-on card then you must determine what manufaturer built the card and what model number it is and then go to that manufacturer's website and get the drivers there or on a cd for installation of that particular sound card.

As it is apparent that you didn't build the computer yourself then I assume it is a major brand such as Dell or HP or Gateway... If so then it could be possible4 that the drivers you need can be found at their website under support/downloads with/by the model number of your computer.
If so download the driver file for the sound card to your desktop so it is easy to find...close out all internet/windows and then install the driver with no programs of any kind running.

naeem1 02-25-2008 05:12 AM


thank you for your replies.

its an Acer - PowerSeries PC.
I went the Acer site.
But its asking for Serial Number which I couldnt locate anywhere in my PC.

I attaching herewith the picture of system property sheet.

thank you.

squirrelnmoose 02-25-2008 12:02 PM

You can download derivers here. Look for you Model.

Wombat 02-25-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by naeem1 (Post 9974)

its an Acer - PowerSeries PC.
I went the Acer site.
But its asking for Serial Number which I couldnt locate anywhere in my PC.

thank you.

It will not be a serial number, but the model number something like Power SK30 for example...

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