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Firefox 03-08-2006 10:24 PM

Attention ALL Mods and Admin
Hey guys, what do you all think about me doing a kind of Mod / Admin general signature (obviously with the appropriate names)

Just a thought, as GFX IS my bag! lol

Sami 03-09-2006 12:16 AM

Thanks for the kind gesture, I would love to have a pic siggy, but due to SEO reasons I am using text signature. But if you can do avatar that would be great.

Risherz 03-09-2006 12:47 AM

I think that's a great idea Firefox! I would definately love to have a siggy, but the problem is that I don't have enough time to mess around with photoshoping (and besides my graphics skills aren't so great). So if somebody with awesome graphics skill can do a sig then it would be awesome... thanks!

ChatMod#1 03-09-2006 12:57 AM

I agree Risherz. I think that the forum staff should have their own avatar and sigs with their own name and position, with a link to the forum, and should use these avatars, and sigs in any other forum/site possible in a way of advertising this site.:)

Firefox 03-09-2006 01:45 AM

Right then people I want ideas for a general Mod / Admin siggy
You dont have to be a Photoshop God, just some barebones ideas will do

ChatMod#1 03-09-2006 04:25 AM

I like the previous one u had. Not the current one. It's just a bit plain.

William_Wilson 03-10-2006 12:42 AM

didn't have that much time and i realize the effect probably only works for my name, but this is what i came up w/ anyway, i used to play with PS now and again, with a little more time and ideas i'd be willing to try, though i'm not the artist FireFox is :D

Firefox 03-10-2006 06:31 PM

Heres a siggy for you Will, kinda went along with the water theme
And not sure the artist Firefox is what??

William_Wilson 03-11-2006 01:20 AM

not the artist you are, from what you've displayed in your work you're far beyond me. Guess i missed some punctuation in that post, lol. It was meant to be a compliment. :D

nice siggie btw, i don't know how you do the graphics, and i probably don't want to know.. lol (too much effort for me i'm sure)
my first ideas were trying to work in some sort of coding meaning or somethin related to programming -> since its what i do, goin to skool for it and all, but there isn't any way to work it in really and have it look ok, and not be too abstract lol,

Firefox 03-12-2006 11:03 AM

OK people..MODS ESPECIALLY! Tell me what you want on your signature and I'll PS you one. All requests in by Wednesday PM and siggies will be posted here by Sunday PM.

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