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Tonkosan 04-23-2007 06:34 PM

Asking Help for Fixing 'Overlocking failed!' Problem by Setting it my BIOS
Dear Friends,

My computer (MS XP Home Edition Pact 2) shuts down immediately at startup. After repeated attempts to turn it on, it starts eventually, so far. The system check message advices me that overlocking failed and gave me two choices, (1) Press F1 to reconfigure my system, (2) Press F2 to load defaut values and continue. I have problem reconfiguring my system and I urgently need help on this. The motherboard is ASUS P5RD1-VM-UAYZ, S/N: 5AMM7L3117; ULi RAID BIOS V.13 (M5287). Right now, I pressed F2 to use my computer. But, after turning it off, I encountered the same problem at startup.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assitance.

With Best Regards,


Cobalt 04-24-2007 04:38 AM

It sounds as though F2 only loads the default settings for that particular boot.

I would recommend hitting F1 and looking for a "Restore to Factory Settings" or similar option and selecting it. That should restore your BIOS to the default settings (As used when pressing F2) and you should then be able to boot normally.


William_Wilson 04-24-2007 12:44 PM

first of all, did you actually attempt to overclock? If not resetting the bios is a good place to start, next i would check the bus switches, i've had some weird errors if they are not set correctly.. You will need your mobo manual for that, either set it to the speed of your memory or there should be an auto-detect as well.

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