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Arm Your Android Antivirus Apps

By DominicD
Arm Your Android Antivirus Apps

So you have your shiny new Android phone! And it rivals any iPhone with its even bigger and better finger-sensitive touch screen, wifi +3G, Gmail synch, an array of Android Apps, and of course, the ultimate prestige tag of being a Free And Open Source mobile platform supported by Google. But does it have an antivirus app?

The Android OS is currently at its peak growth, as more business specific apps are pouring into the App market, users are reminded to invest in backup and security apps. Android’s promise of security is not to be held liable only to Google, instead each app and its developer partakes an active role in keeping your phone, contacts, and messages secure.

Password and Backup
Your first line of defense is a password setting on your droid. Set a password to unlock the phone, and consider adding third-party programs to add even more passwords to locking specific Android Apps. All droids require a backup - have a backup file of your Android contacts, sms messages, phone and application settings. Manually perform and save backups on your phone and computer, or invest in third-party online mobile backups. Remember that a backup solution is only half the job, you’ll need a backup software that also restores your phone to a correct and usable working state.

AntiMalware and Antivirus
Your smartphone contains a lot of important personal and business data. Protect it with antimalware and antivirus programs. While the Android core operating system itself may be safe, any bug or malicious glitch left on a third-party app may compromise your phone. Take advantage of the free android antivirus software such as Norton Mobile Security. It continuously scans and monitors transmitted phone data, it checks for possible security lapses on your currently installed apps. Remember that if a malware or virus was ever to invade your Android, its primary target could be your personal contacts and phone numbers.

Anti-Theft and Last Resort Self-Destruct (Remote Wipe)
Be alerted and in control if your Android is lost or stolen. Anti-theft apps, help you track and disable thieves from accessing your phone. GPS aware apps can go online and allow you to remotely lock and display a warning message to anyone who might find your phone. Third-party developers even offer an online, last resort option of remotely wiping all your phone data. This is like a self-destruct sequence to save your phone from data and privacy theft.

Google reminds us “The manufacturer of each (Android) device is responsible for distributing software upgrades for it, including security fixes.” It is a community effort of users, developers, and phone manufacturers for keeping the Android universe secure and safe. Feel free to use this thread to discuss and share your favorite Android Security Apps

android antivirus, android security apps

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