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Mr E 03-14-2011 10:21 AM

AoE II and expansion packs
Just loaded Age of Empires on my windows 7 pc and the screen goes black once i start playing. anyone have advice on how to correct this. I have tried changing screen resolutions and refresh rate but nothing seems to work. My monitor is a samsung 21" . Any advice??

DominicD 03-14-2011 11:01 AM

Hi Mr E,
i did a quick search and found these similar problems from the microsoft forums

Go into task manager select the processes tab and end explorer.exe then alt-tab back into age of empires
Note: this will make your task bar disapear and any open folders

To restart explorer, open the task manager, in the applications tab hit new task and type explorer in the box, press Enter
The colours change because of the Aero theme's poor handling of colours

alternate solution:
You can also make a batch file with the following lines and place it in the same location as your age of empires 2 executable

taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe


alternate solution
Right click on the file which is launching AoE > Properties > Compatibility tab > check Disable visual themes

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