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melinda 01-07-2006 08:03 PM

anyone remember atari?
I wonder if anyone knows of places that still sell used ones.
It used to be my favorite console game! Pac-man. Yes, those were the good ol' days.

diddie 01-08-2006 09:23 AM

yeah the good ol Atari 520 , i used to play on an commodore amiga too

the demos, cubase stuff , .... time goes really fast :)

Sabre 01-18-2006 02:08 PM

I used to have an atari. Used to love it, i vaguely remember some of the games, but not particularly well.

I really want to get my hands on one and relive those good ol' days!

William_Wilson 03-10-2006 08:16 AM

my parents still have one that works, air sea battle, asteroids, carnival, missle command, centipede all classics, it may be a little rough on graphics, but its still a lot of fun to play whenever i get home.

twister 03-10-2006 01:13 PM

How can someone forget atari.It was the console that revolutionize everything.There will be no PS3 or Xbox360 without Atari.
I also love Pacman.Until now ofcourse.Once in a while Im still playing Pacman.
One of my alltime favorite games.

Firefox 03-10-2006 06:45 PM

I used to have an Atari, and a C64 and an Amiga 600 and a Spectrum ZX. :)
Ahh listening to tapes loading for 20 minutes before crashing right at the end for no reason.....those were the days!
I still play pong with my browser...and I found a site that still have downloadable copies of Heroquest and Flashback....oh and I have loads of Lesuire Suit Larry games on floppy....might have to dig those out....

Risherz 03-11-2006 11:13 AM

Atari according to me was a cool company (except I think they didn't give a lot of credit to the programers), and I've played a few of their games on my teacher's console when he brought it to school to show us about the history of the gaming industry (I think he had them since high school or something), but too bad I don't own one :( I believe if it wasn't for Atari, we wouldn't have easter eggs (showing the names of who developed the things) as well...

trappercase 03-17-2006 10:35 AM

I was the odd kid in my neighbourhood. When everyone got an Atari, my parents bought my Magnavox Odessy 2. I liked it, at least my friends and I had some variety when gaming. The snobby kids had Intellivision.

javester 03-17-2006 11:57 AM

Check out the Atari Flashback 2!

Your wish is granted!!! And it has 40 of the original 80s games built in!!!
And all that for 30 clams!

My local Walmart stocks it, so be sure to pass by one if your itching to play...

I can still remember when PacMan came out... I figured out a way to do it without getting killed and I was going for the world record but after 16 hours of continuous play, I just had to stop.

Back then, there was no pause button...

JV :)

trappercase 03-18-2006 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by javester

Your wish is granted!!! And it has 40 of the original 80s games built in!!!
And all that for 30 clams!

My local Walmart stocks it, so be sure to pass by one if your itching to play...

I can still remember when PacMan came out... I figured out a way to do it without getting killed and I was going for the world record but after 16 hours of continuous play, I just had to stop.

Back then, there was no pause button...

JV :)

What was the record?

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