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CMan 12-11-2005 04:27 PM

Anyone play any MMOs?
Hey everyone,
I was wondeirng, does anyone play any MMOs? I currently play World of Warcraft, but I have played a dozen. Which ones do you play and which ones do you think are the funnest? I personally love World of Warcraft, one of the best games ever, IMO.


Kaabi 12-11-2005 05:04 PM

My friend owns World of Warcraft, but I myself do not play any MMOs. WoW is a really great game, there are so many different races, weapons, and such a massive area. I did play it once, and I fought this dwarf that had a rifle. It was really weird. I wouldn't get the game though, it takes too much time to play and it takes over your life. I've heard that some people have killed themselves over losing extremely rare items. Now that is sad :(

Optimit 12-11-2005 07:57 PM

I use to play the original Warcraft. IMO I think the ruined Warcraft with the invention of Battlenet.

ThomasW 12-20-2005 12:41 PM

MMORPGs are essentially all I play as far as gaming. I have recently spent some time with "The Movies" and "Civilization IV" but they were very short-lived. Ever since I first got enthralled with EQ I have spent a lot of my gaming time following and playing various MMORPGs. I have played most of them at this point, although some have slipped through the cracks.

The one I am most looking forward to at this point is probably Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Vanguard is a fantasy MMORPG along the lines of Everquest, which is actually been developed by Sigil Games. Sigil Games was founded by Brad McQuaid who was the originator of Everquest. The game is also being published by Microsoft. Microsoft's track record in the MMORPG space is not good. They have canceled several efforts in the last few years, and then had the Asheron Call Series before they sold it to Turbine, outright.

Anyways, for more information on Vanguard, I suggest checking out the Vanguard Developer Digest at VanBard

I am not playing any games at the moment. I beta tested both EQ2 and World of Warcraft, and then played EQ2 for a while after release.

CMan 12-20-2005 08:57 PM

Most of my friends have been talking about Vanguard, but I think my computer is gonna be too slow and I dont think it will have good game play. Just like in EQ2, how you didnt do much but run around, wait for things to load and be stopped by laggggg.


aniar 12-21-2005 10:41 PM

all my friends play World of warcraft...its a fun game. my friend said vangaurd will kick its ass. i saw the grapics for it. i immediatly thought of EQII. same EXACT graphics engine. i played that game for 2 months or so. boring as hell...

and btw, somebody did kill themself, as far as i know it was becuase somebody in EQ got some very good item or something, and there was a week rollback, and he lost it. so he killed himself.

Irkasmork 01-12-2006 03:35 AM

I played Eve online for a while (MMORPG in space). A rather nice one actually.
Unfortunately they ran into a lot of bugs and lag when they
updated the game in december, so I left.
MMORPG:s tend to take a lot of time, so I guess I was just looking for an excuse.... ;)
I guess they have resolved their problems by now though....


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