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poojakumar 01-25-2008 12:35 AM

anti-virus remover

My PC affected by "Trojan Virus" severely. I want to get rid out of this. pls. recommed me a good anti-virus remover to indepth in my system. I don't have internet connection in my PC.

expecting ur reply

r. dillikumar

lurkswithin 01-25-2008 01:01 AM

I used AVG (free) for years andit did a real good job. I have moved on to usingAntiVir(free ) as it is not so intrusive as AVG was and it has woorked out very well for the past year.
You can find both on this page along with a choice of others as well.

William_Wilson 01-25-2008 12:15 PM

yup, avast is a good free choice as well.

**I'll admit when i saw this I expected it to be someone needing help uninstalling Norton or something similar :)

lurkswithin 01-25-2008 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by William_Wilson (Post 9498)
**I'll admit when i saw this I expected it to be someone needing help uninstalling Norton or something similar :)

At one time I had 22 pages of single line script to remove Symantic from a system. I performed this registry editing ONE TIME ONLY. After that when someone asks about removing symantic I just tell them that because it is so embedded within the registry that the only way to remove it all is to reformat and reinstall.

squirrelnmoose 01-26-2008 01:15 AM

Norton can be harder to remove than most virus's. Ironic isn't it.

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